Project: Development of New Diagnostic and Treatment Options for Helminthic Neglected Diseases

Acronym NDTND (Reference Number: ELAC2015/T08-0544)
Duration 01/02/2017 - 01/02/2020
Project Topic Our project aims at developing new therapeutic and diagnostic tools to contribute to the control ofNeglected deseases caused by helminth parasites, suchasystic (CE) and alveolar (AE) echinococcosis. Due to the scarcity of available anthelmintic drugs and the possible emergence ofresistance, the discovery of new anthelmintic drugs is mandatory. Our international and interdisciplinary teamhas characterized a number of molecules that may play important roles in nutrient acquisition, attenuation ofhost’s immune response and development of these parasites and has also developed in vitro and invivo models as well as studied epidemiological and clinical aspects of these diseases. We propose a newapproach based on distinct biological and metabolic aspects of parasitic helminths, considering inparticular parasite specific a) lipi binding proteisn (LBPs) and b) micro RNAs (miRNAs).These molecules are unique to these pathogens or highly divergent from the hostcounterparts and may exert essential functions, thus fulfilling the main requirements for goodselective therapeutic targets. We will also assess their cellular expression in order to prioritizetargets that are widely expressed, including in the keay stemcell population.The uniqueness/divergence of several miRNAs and the ability to be detected in biological fluids alsomakes them potential new specific biomarkers. Ultrasound studies and sera collection of humanpopulation affected by CE will be performed in order to include the potentially new biomarkers in the stagespecificapproach according to WHOIWGE(Informal Working Group on Echinococcosis).
Network ERANet-LAC
Call 2nd Joint Call on Research and Innovation

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 Facultad de Ciencias- Universidad de la República Partner Uruguay
3 University of Würzburg, Germany Partner Germany
4 San Matteo Hospital Foundation Partner Italy
5 University of Buenos Aires and National Council of Scientific and Technological Research Coordinator Argentina
6 National University of La Plata and National Council of Scientific and Technological Research of Argentina Partner Argentina