2nd Joint Call for Applied Systems Biology Research

Basic Information

Network ERASysAPP
Website https://www.erasysapp.eu/calls/open-calls
Aim of the joint call The main objective of the ERA-NET for SB Applications – ERASysAPP is to promote multidimensional and complementary transnational European SB projects, programmes and research initiatives. Inter alia, ERASysAPP aims at the initiation and execution of joint transnational calls on applied SB research. The 2nd joint call will again target applied aspects of complex biological processes in microorganisms, plants and animals. As a common feature, all addressed proposal topics must tackle biological and physiological processes that will contribute to advancements in the field of life sciences and biotechnology. Participation in this call demands high quality modelling activities and high data management standards for an overall high sustainability of SB research and its expected outcome.
Type of joint call One Stage - Call with no pre-proposals submission
Launch date 29/10/2014
Deadline Full-Proposal 14/01/2015 Submitted proposal: 10
Evaluation End Date 25/03/2015 Successful proposal: n/a Proposals funded: 5
Is call co-funded? No
Call follow up funding n/a
Call reasons n/a
Research fields
  • Biotechnology
  • Health
Type of research n/a
Target groups n/a
Participating networks n/a

Funded Projects

Acronym Title Start End No. partners
LEANPROT Systems biology platform for the creation of lean-proteome E... 5
ROBUSTYEAST Optimizing metabolic regulation in yeast production strains ... 01/01/2016 31/12/2018 4
RootBook Systems analysis of peptide-mediated cell-cell communication... 01/01/2016 31/12/2018 3
SYSTERACT Systematic Rebuilding of Actinomycetes for Natural Product F... 01/12/2015 30/11/2018 6
XyloCut Shortcut to the carbon efficient microbial production of che... 01/12/2015 30/11/2018 3