The European Polar Consortium: Strategic Coordination and Networking of European Polar RTD Programmes

Basic Information


EUROPOLAR ERA-NET is a consortium of 25 Ministries, Funding Agencies and National Polar RTD Authorities from 19 European countries with a combined critical mass of Polar Programmes and Infrastructures of over 500 Million Euros per annum. It is the most significant initiative to coordinate and network European Polar RTD programmes ever attempted. EUROPOLAR ERA-NET will exert a massive and positive impact on this domain and lead to long-term durable partnerships within Europe and Internationally. EUROPOLAR ERA-NET will encourage and support the closer relationship of National Polar RTD programme managers from Europe and the Russian Federation, fostering cooperation and leading to joint programme activities. EUROPOLAR ERA-NET will also deepen and strengthen the interactions between countries with large Polar RTD Programmes and nations with evolving Polar Programmes in central and south-eastern Europe, encouraging exchange of experiences and best practise on management and financing of programmes and infrastructures. The presence of key European and international organizations within EUROPOLAR ERA-NET will open up a vast network of human and material capital. The structuring and coordination of European Trans-national elements will enable the construction of mechanisms to mobilise joint funding flows and the reciprocal access to Polar Research Infrastructures. The long-term goal of the European Polar Consortium is the development of a 'European Polar Entity' which will be established following the EUROPOLAR ERA-NET through dialogue and agreement at a political level and will enable Europe to maximise and direct its critical mass at the Global level.'

Research fields covered by the network

  • Environment

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Joint Calls

Joint Call Title Type Launch Date Deadline
End Date
EUROPOLAR-2008-01 other 24/10/2008 15/11/2008 15/03/2009 15/06/2009

Funded: 10