Project: High Power Composites of Edge Emitting Semiconductor Lasers

We want to build a compact semiconductor laser platform emitting high power/brightness beams by: 1) Maximizing the beam power/brightness of individual lasers through the use of intracavity Photonic Crystal (PhC) spatial filters. 2) Combining the individual laser beams through the use of spectral multiplexing technique. We will deliver a new generation of compact diode laser platforms capable of emitting up to 1kW (without amplifier) with a beam parameter product between 2 and 3 mm·mrad,

Acronym HIP-Lasers (Reference Number: 10524)
Duration 01/10/2016 - 01/04/2019
Project Topic Industrial Manufacturing, Material And Transport
Network Eurostars 2
Call Eurostars Cut-Off 5

Project partner