Project: Photoacoustic Infrared Microscope for Automated Histopathology

Infrared microscopy is a method of choice for label free mapping of biomarkers leading to automated histopathology. However, infrared microscopy image acquisition speed is slow and offers limited spatial resolution. PIRMAH addresses these limitations by using a photoacoustic method for video rate mid-infrared (2-12µm) 2-D spectro-imaging and 3-D tomography. PIRMAH leads to commercialization of an ex-vivo microscope for automated histopathology and its miniaturization for endoscopic applications.

Acronym PIRMAH (Reference Number: 10589)
Duration 01/06/2016 - 01/12/2018
Project Topic Biological Sciences / Technologies
Network Eurostars 2
Call Eurostars Cut-Off 5

Project partner