Project: Novel c-Met Targeted Molecular Imaging of Cancer with a multipurpose fluorescent imaging platform

Acronym MetView (Reference Number: 113384)
Duration 01/10/2019 - 03/10/2022
Project Topic MetView is a low-cost cancer diagnosis and surgery guidance solution that combines the novel EMI-137 optical imaging biomarker and a multifunctional imaging platform comprising of imaging and fluorescent detection hardware and control software. This advanced optical imaging solution will address the unmet need for regulatory approved tumour specific fluorescent imaging agents and supporting fluorescent imaging endoscopes, dramatically improving the imaging of precancerous and cancerous lesions.
Network Eurostars 2
Call Eurostars Cut–off 11

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 Edinburgh Molecular Imaging Ltd. Coordinator United Kingdom
2 Quest Photonic Devices B.V. Partner Netherlands