Project: Novel sperm harvester and sperm multiparametric analyser for male fertility diagnosis

Acronym 4-in-1 (Reference Number: 113740)
Duration 01/06/2020 - 01/06/2022
Project Topic MotilityCount (MCount) developed and patented SwimCount Membrane Swim-Up (SCMSU) Technology, which is able to separate Progressive Motile Sperm Cells (PMSCs) with Normal Morphology, Normal Acrosome status, and DNA Sperm Cell Integrity. Based on the SCMSU technology, we want to develop and deliver a novel Sperm Harvester for Artificial Reproductive Technology (ART) as well as a smartphone-based multiparametric ‘4-in-1’ Sperm Quality Analyser for fertility treatment and insemination.
Network Eurostars 2
Call Eurostars Cut–off 12

Project partner