Project: OUI – Proof of concept for a hormone-free, easy to use, non-invasive contraceptive for women

Acronym OUI-PoC (Reference Number: 113643)
Duration 01/05/2020 - 01/05/2023
Project Topic Our team will develop OUI, a groundbreaking non-hormonal contraceptive for women. This medical device is based on the concept of mucus engineering. After vaginal insertion molecules that strongly interacts with mucus are released to temporarily reinforce the cervical mucus barrier so it becomes impenetrable for sperm cells. By the end of the Eurostars project OUI-PoC, OUI is assessed on biocompatibility, in vivo efficacy, and finally the product is validated in a human usability study.
Network Eurostars 2
Call Eurostars Cut–off 12

Project partner