Project: CLOud Confidential Computing

Acronym CLOCC (Reference Number: 115618)
Duration 01/09/2021 - 01/03/2024
Project Topic The goal of CLOCC is to develop and commercialize Confidential Cloud Computing services. The solution leverages cutting-edge data security technologies to add a much-needed layer of trust to cloud computing. The outcome of CLOCC will be a European-hosted cloud solution that is compatible with the Gaia-X project and enables the secure processing of sensitive data in the cloud, allowing end-users to comply with stringent security and compliance guidelines. Sponsors are ready to test this solution.
Network Eurostars 2
Call Eurostars Cut–off 15

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 CYSEC Coordinator Switzerland
2 HOSTEUR Partner France
3 TU Berlin Partner Germany