Project: Mid-infrared system utilizing LEVEl-crossing chirp-Spectroscopy in Quantum Cascade Lasers

Acronym LEVES (Reference Number: 12309)
Duration 01/12/2018
Project Topic A novel Mid-IR compact process monitoring system will be delivered for in-situ process monitoring in the semiconductor industry, plasma process diagnostics, environmental and exhaust gas monitoring. Its core constitutes a cost-efficient Fabry-Perot cavity quantum cascade laser (FP-QCL) with an innovative, ground-breaking approach for tailored chirped emission, yielding a 20 cm-1 spectral tuning range at one of the targeted wavelengths at 4.5, 7.5 or 9.7 µm with the output power of 50 mW.
Network Eurostars 2
Call Eurostars Cut–off 9

Project partner