Project: Electrified Powertrain Concepts - Model Driven Development of Electrified Powertrains

While it is debatable when the oil production will reach its final peak, it is a fact that petroleum is consumed at a rate which is not sustainable. With personal transportation being one of the biggest consumers, the need for alternative sources of energy grows._x000D_At the moment, reducing emissions of their vehicles is the prevalent goal of any major car manufacturer (OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer). This interest is driven in large parts by the EU regulation to reduce the average emission of new vehicle fleets down to 95g CO2 per km by the year 2020. In case of failing to fulfill these demands, OEMs will face sanctions potentially causing charges in the hundreds of millions of Euros. _x000D__x000D_Currently it is not possible to lower the average fleet consumption to those levels using conventional powertrains. While electric vehicles (EVs) are potentially free of emissions, their high price and limited driving range discourages potential buyers. A hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) represents an intermediate stage between conventional vehicles and EVs._x000D__x000D_While there are well-established processes for developing conventional powertrains, OEMs and suppliers are facing major challenges, when it comes to the development of hybrid and purely electrical powertrains. _x000D_While mostly Japanese OEMs - especially Toyota – have gained experience since the 90ies in this field, European OEMs lack this extensive experience in dealing with multiple new factors strongly influencing the design, making established methods basically useless. Nearly every OEM is developing in-house simulation tools to deal with the conflicts, as no set of tools is available covering the entire design process. Usually, this comes with difficulties, as the field of system simulation is not of their core knowledge. Based on the long standing knowledge of Modelon GmbH in the field of system simulation, this can be handled more efficiently._x000D_The project shall result in a prototype of a commercial simulation library based on the Modelica language. It will contain the necessary components for the vehicle simulation of all possible EV and HEV topologies, whereas the focus lies on the three major components, i.e. battery, inverter and electric traction machine, including detailed physical models and live-time analysis. If the simulation of non-core elements is necessary at higher levels of detail, interfaces to existing Modelica libraries will enable that, complementing the basic components that come with the library. The user of the library will be able to add custom components in the simulation environment._x000D_The library shall support OEMs and system suppliers throughout the entire development process of electrified powertrains using models of varying complexity. By utilizing the advantages of Modelica, this can be done without setting too tight bounds that would negatively influence the design process._x000D_An additional focus of the library is the minimization of effort necessary when setting up the simulation. At present, a considerable amount of time is spent for processing parameter data, as well as input and output data of simulations. Well-designed standard formats for any type of data used throughout the simulation will help to reduce the time dissipated in this process for any enterprises being part of the design process. For the users who are not capable or willing to deal with complex simulation software directly, a dynamically adjusting graphical user interface will lower the entry threshold._x000D_A potential drawback of Modelica is its relatively small distribution due to its young age. This could result in an economic threat to the resulting product, but will be overcome utilizing the functional mock-up interface (FMI), enabling the library to be used in other standard simulation tools: especially MATLAB/Simulink and IPG's CarMaker._x000D__x000D_Modeling and simulation is essential for the automotive industry today, models are only reliable, if they are validated intensively. Obrist Powertrain currently designs a serial hybrid powertrain and therefore spends major effort on validating component, system performance by intense measurement procedures and the design of operational. The resulting data, as well as especially designed experiments, will be used to validate the simulation results. As well Obrist Powertrain will use the library during the design process, providing highly valuable feedback to the development team of the library and giving them access to valuable simulation know-how._x000D_Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences (FHV) will do research to find new technologies gaining traction in the automotive sector e.g. multi-level inverters. They will provide Modelica based models of those components. Modelon GmbH will implement the library, modeling state-of-the-art components, integrating FHV's models and all kinds of data handling due to its extensive experience in this field. All models are validated by measurements COly carried out by Obrist Powertrain.

Acronym EPoC (Reference Number: 7794)
Duration 01/04/2013 - 30/11/2015
Project Topic EPoC's result is the prototype of a Modelica simulation library intended to assist the entire process of designing electrified automotive powertrains. Major efforts are spent on consistent parameter structure, usability, flexibility and data handling as well as validation of the developed models.
Network Eurostars
Call Eurostars Cut-Off 9

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
3 3DS GmbH Coordinator Germany
3 Fachhochschule Vorarlberg GmbH Partner Austria
3 Obrist Powertrain GmbH Partner Austria