Project: NANOtechnology based sensors for URBAN air quality monitoring
Air pollution has been one of Europe's CO political concerns since the late 1970s. European Union policy on air quality aims to develop and implement appropriate instruments to improve air quality [1]. The control of emissions from mobile sources, enhanced fuel quality and promoting and integrating environmental protection requirements into the transport and energy sector are part of these aims. Today, it is generally recognized that most of the pollutants present in the urban atmosphere are substances directly emitted by vehicles or indirectly produced through photo-chemical reactions. The CO traffic-related pollutants (gaseous substances) are CO, NOx and hydrocarbons. Although roadside concentrations differ notably from background levels, still today, all outdoors environments are regulated by the same regulatory framework for ambient air quality. Additionally, the total number of air quality fix stations within a city is limited by practical constraints; however, it is generally considered that pollutant concentrations might exceed in a factor 5 from urban street canyon to urban background levels [2]. In accordance with EU objectives to continuously reduce air pollutants emitted from sources such as traffic, industry and households, NanoUrban will provide a new specific sensor platform that will dramatically improve the properties of the current sensors at the present state-of-the-art._x000D__x000D_Today, 80% of the people in Europe live in cities with more than 10.000 inhabitants. In 2040, 65% of the world population will live in a city. According to this, between 60% and 80% of the world’s annual energy needs are consumed by cities. Therefore an alternative complementary sensors platform becomes necessary to carry out new reliable urban (environment) air quality monitoring. The CO aim of the NanoUrban project is to deploy into the market a reliable gas sensor platform for on-the-road real-time traffic monitoring. NanoUrban has two ambitious goals related to the new portable sensor platform we wish to deploy into the market:_x000D__x000D_Goal1: Enhancement of nanotechnology-based gas sensor properties for urban-atmosphere monitoring according to 3S principle: sensitivity, selectivity and stability._x000D_Goal2: Developing a new technological solution for an integrated gas sensor device on a portable platform for air quality monitoring of the urban environment._x000D__x000D_Regarding to these two objectives, NanoUrban represents the most realistic, pragmatic and ambitious project for a short-term deployment into the market of a real alternative complementary sensors platform for urban environment monitoring. These goals will be achieved by integrating complementary skills possessed by the Ps in the different disciplines involved in the project. The major innovation offered by the integration of Ps in project activities is related to the selection of novel materials and filter strategies specifically designed to increase the performances within an integrated apparatus. This will be carried out by improving each item separately and then by combining the different ones in the portable measuring platform, to be used directly by a service for companies or governments with evident economic and technical advantage. It will be possible thanks to the well balanced NanoUrban consortium that combines both: a very high-tech intensive R&D SME (DropSens) company for sensor develop & implementation with the Spanish company (Ingenieros Asesores), leader in the environmental services and market specialist in air quality network management. Finally, the second R&D performing SME French company (Vu Log), leader in providing logistic services for urban mobility management and eco-driving. _x000D_There has been a remarkable progress in sensor technologies for air quality monitoring in the course of the last 20 years. Most of the recent projects have been focused on the way to communicate/manage data transfer easily and cost effective to citizens, but not very notable progress has been done in the really key of the projects: the sensors. In fact, currently, sensors have been relegated to a secondary role against the ICT applications that are actually much more developed than sensor technology itself. NanoUrban project will bring up to the reality the development of sensors more sensitive and selective to gas contaminants targets, using the advantage that nanotechnology offers in the field of new materials synthesis. DropSens and Ingenieros Asesores are world-reference companies in nanotechnology based sensors development and air quality management, respectively. The last part of NanoUrban will be focused on the cost effective development of a sensors platform being portable and highly energy efficient. NanoUrban will implement strategies to put into the market this new system with easy access for end users. Vu Log, with large experience in urban mobility, energy saving (eco-driving) and environmental impact is crucial for this project._x000D_
(Reference Number: 7748)
01/02/2013 - 31/01/2015
Project Topic
NanoUrban will focus on the development of Nanotechnolgy-based Metal Oxide Semiconductor gas sensor portable platform. The CO aim of the project is to deploy (in short-term approach) into the market this reliable gas sensor platform for on-the-road real-time air quality monitoring in a city.
Eurostars Cut-Off 9
Project partner