Project: Development of new dyslexia diagnosis, monitoring and reeducation tools in the framework of a European comparative study
Dyslexia definition and current management_x000D_
- A significant trouble lacking efficient tools for its diagnosis, monitoring and treatment_x000D_
Dyslexia is “a disorder manifested by difficulty learning to read, despite conventional instruction, adequate intelligence and sociocultural opportunity. It is dependent upon fundamental cognitive disabilities which are frequently of constitutional origin” (World Health Organisation). Its prevalence is extremely high since around 5 to 10% of the world population is affected by this disorder._x000D_
However, dyslexia reCOs an issue for many people who are struggling to establish a clear diagnosis and who are missing reliable monitoring and reeducation tools._x000D_
It is thus today necessary to carry out further R&D activities in these fields to overcome current shortcomings regarding dyslexia diagnosis, monitoring and reeducation._x000D_
- A new approach: detection and treatment of oculomotor troubles_x000D_
Among diverse R&D approaches currently considered, several studies have shown that oculomotor disorders (eye movements disorders) play a significant role for many dyslexics (in particular a French study conducted by Bucci and al., section While it is yet unknown if oculomotor disorders are a cause or a consequence of dyslexia, their treatment is considered as critical (as evoked in studies by Auclair and Sieroff, Marendaz and al., Facoetti and al. and Fischer and al. in 2008, section 2.2.1). Nevertheless, because of the lack of adapted tools, diagnosis and treatment methods of dyslexia do not consider these specific troubles thus limiting its management efficiency._x000D_
Indeed, regarding diagnosis, dyslexia is detected when children are learning to read. It is a long and complex process including consultations with doctors, neurologists, psychologists, speech and language pathologists, orthoptists… Despite the variety of tests, oculomotor disorders reCO undiagnosed – as there is currently no tool for their clinical and systematic evaluation – while it is established that oculomotor condition can play an important role for many dyslexics and shall thus be diagnosed and treated to ensure optimal management of this disorder. _x000D_
In addition, regarding reeducation, current solutions also involve a diversity of actors, making it hard for patients to have a clear understanding of the steps to be taken. In addition, the efficiency of remediation is often questioned in particular as the oculomotor deficiency reCOs non-tackled. Many children affected with dyslexia, more particularly the one suffering of oculomotor troubles are thus not benefiting from an adapted treatment, delaying their curing and negatively impacting their quality of life._x000D_
As oculomotor troubles could be a parameter of dyslexia, it is urgent to pursue studies in this field to better understand this pathology and to develop tools enabling its diagnosis, monitoring and treatment._x000D_
Objective and targeted markets_x000D_
The project thus aims at tackling this issue by developing new tools for the diagnosis, monitoring and reeducation of oculomotor disorders in dyslexia. These tools would mark a turning point as they would allow systematic evaluation of dyslexic children oculomotor status and the elaboration of new adapted instruments to treat those disorders, these two expectations not yet being met in dyslexia._x000D_
Development of these tools will be realised within a European comparative study carried out in France, Germany and the UK with 360 children to better understand the role of oculomotor disorders in dyslexia. While studies related to this aspect have been recently conducted separately in France and in the UK, the objective is to go one step further by comparing in a same study dyslexics and non-dyslexics oculomotor movements at an European scale. This study is thus completely novel as it will allow taking into account linguistic differences, which impact on dyslexia differs from one country to another._x000D_
In short, the project plans to enable after its completion the diagnosis and treatment of oculomotor disorders in dyslexia through “universal” tools independent of the language. _x000D_
Market segments targeted by these tools will then be the different European actors involved in dyslexia diagnosis, monitoring and reeducation, such as specialised structures in hospitals, orthoptists and private SLPs (Speech & Language Pathologists)._x000D_
Project Consortium_x000D_
To lead this study and develop adapted tools, the following Consortium has been constituted at e(ye)BRAIN initiative:_x000D_
• e(ye)BRAIN (Coordinator), a French SME specialised in the conception, development and distribution of computerised devices based on oculomotricity;_x000D_
• INSERM, Maria-Pia Bucci Team (France) studies children with neuro-ophtalmological and neurological/psychological pathologies, including dyslexia;_x000D_
• Luebeck University – Neurology Dpt, Andreas Sprenger Team (Germany) conducts research on neuro-ophtalmology and studies on the oculomotor system.
(Reference Number: 7378)
01/01/2013 - 30/06/2016
Project Topic
The DIAGDYS project will develop innovative tools for the diagnosis and treatment of oculomotor disorders in dyslexia. This shall improve the state-of-the-art regarding diagnosis and reeducation of this disorder. Tools will be developed within a study implemented in France, Germany and the UK.
Eurostars Cut-Off 8
Project partner