Project: Software system for developing adaptable mLearning applications reusing existing eLearning content

The e2mLearning project proposes the development of a software-based converter of digital content from existing eLearning courses to mobile Learning (mLearning) applications._x000D__x000D_The CO motive driving this project is to develop a software solution that allows the European eLearning industry to adapt efficiently to a rapidly changing social and technological context, which is related to the massive adoption of smartphones (more than 850 million in use in the world, by 2011 [1] [2]). The extra-functionality and usability of these devices open up a universe of exciting market opportunities. Industries such as Gaming have been early birds in targeting this market and have proven a great success (mobile gaming market sized €8billion in 2011[3])._x000D__x000D_Similarly to gaming, learning could benefit tremendously from ubiquity (availability anywhere-anytime and on-the-go), for which most experts in eLearning agree that the future of the industry is necessarily linked to mLearning and to our ability to exploit correctly the potential of this paradigm shift. However, for the eLearning community it has been a long process to deliver engaging solutions, in a cost effective way and achieving positive learner outcomes. For this reason, the reuse of contents is a must for the European eLearning providers to be able to compete in the rapid changing technological market of mLearning. Authorised opinions in eLearning state that "mobile learning is not about rapid authoring, it’s about rapid reuse” [4]. This process should not, however, forget the important peculiarities of mobile versus computer platforms in terms of usage patterns. _x000D__x000D_The e2mLearning project aims to develop a software to facilitate rapid and affordable development of enhanced mLearning applications by reusing Learning Objects (LOs) from existing eLearning Management Systems (LMS). LOs are small units of learning content that are: self-contained (can be taken independently); reusable; can be aggregated (tagged with metadata). E2mLearning will develop taxonomy and a classification algorithm for assessing the reusability of existing LOs under a mobile environment, and semi-automatically convert reusable ones as content for mLearning apps, with adapted user interfaces. _x000D_E2mLearning will thus enable: a) Semi-automatic generation of mLearning apps building on previous investments and know-how in eLearning; b) User adaptation and improved learning experience._x000D__x000D_Semi-automatic generation of mLearning apps_x000D_COly by analysing metadata (but also exploiting other measurable information – ie. extension), e2mLearning will assess LOs in relation to predefined re-usability parameters. Selected ones will be matched with and adapted to suitable GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces) and delivered in the form of mobile apps. Final validation and refinement of results by content builders will guarantee quality of results._x000D__x000D_User adaptation and improved learning experience_x000D_User adaptation will be achieved by considering the m-learners´ specific context (i.e. geo-temporal - “I have 10 min”, “I am on the bus”- and limitations in terms of input/output - “listening/without listening”, “typing/voice recognition”, etc.) in the selection of the GUIs and the LOs’ conversion process. Furthermore, user feedback will be gathered in order to optimise LO assessment and adaptation and GUI matching processes._x000D__x000D_The project consortium foresees the commercial exploitation of project results as e2mlearning migration services to European learning providers, as well as direct commercialisation of mLearning applications._x000D__x000D_Our consortium brings together a SME expert in eLearning (InterGrupo), a SME developer of mobile apps (SoftWerk) and a R&D centre expert in learning technologies (CeLeKT). Fostering collaboration between the European eLearning and Mobile apps industries is of major importance, as the most feasible path for delivering mLearning solutions with high market acceptance and at the required speed, for the extremely rapid changing market of mobile devices._x000D__x000D_Note: References in Annex 2._x000D_

Acronym e2mLearning (Reference Number: 7353)
Duration 01/09/2012 - 31/05/2014
Project Topic A software system for facilitating the reuse of content from existing eLearning systems into mobile Learning applications. The mLearning applications will be adaptable to the mlearner context for a engaging and effective training.
Network Eurostars
Call Eurostars Cut-Off 8

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
3 Applied Research in System Analysis (ARiSA) AB/Softwerk Partner Sweden
3 Instituto de Iniciativas Educacionales y Promoción Profesional SL Coordinator Spain