Eurostars Cut-Off 2

Basic Information

Network Eurostars
Aim of the joint call n/a
Type of joint call One Stage - Call with no pre-proposals submission
Launch date 24/03/2008
Deadline Full-Proposal 21/11/2008 Submitted proposal: 317
Evaluation End Date n/a Successful proposal: n/a Proposals funded: 90
Is call co-funded? No
Call follow up funding n/a
Call reasons n/a
Research fields n/a
Type of research n/a
Target groups n/a
Participating networks n/a

Organisations Participating

Country Organisation
Austria Austria (country) (AT)
Belgium Belgium (country) (BE)
Bulgaria Bulgaria (country) (BG)
Cyprus CYPRUS (country) (CY)
Czech Republic Czech Republic (country) (CZ)
Denmark Denmark (country) (DK)
Estonia Estonia (country) (EE)
European Union European Commission (EC)
Finland Finland (country) (FI)
France France (country) (FR)
Germany Germany (country) (DE)
Greece Greece (country) (GR)
Hungary Hungary (country) (HU)
Iceland Iceland (country) (IS)
Ireland Ireland (country) (IE)
Israel Israel (country) (IL)
Italy Italy (country) (IT)
Latvia Latvia (country) (LV)
Lithuania Lithuania (country) (LT)
Malta MALTA (country) (MT)
Netherlands Netherlands (country) (NL)
Norway Norway (country) (NO)
Poland Poland (country) (PL)
Portugal Portugal (country) (PT)
Romania Romania (country) (RO)
Slovakia Slovakia (country) (SK)
Slovenia Slovenia (country) (SI)
Spain SPAIN (country) (ES)
Sweden Sweden (country) (SE)
Switzerland Switzerland (country) (CH)
Türkiye TURKEY (country) (TR)
United Kingdom United Kingdom (country) (GB)

Funded Projects

Acronym Title Start End No. partners
ABSYS High Accuracy Length and Angle Measuring System with Absolut... 02/03/2009 28/02/2013 2
AFCS Advanced Fiber Connectivity Switch (AFCS), FiberZone Networks 30/03/2009 30/09/2010 4
AGILE Intelligent AGVs for autonomous pallet Identification/Locali... 01/06/2009 31/05/2011 3
AIR-MAN AIRport surface traffic MANagement system based on EGNOS/GAL... 01/06/2009 01/06/2011 3
ARCA Adaptive Routing and Conflict mAnagement for Unmanned Aircra... 01/06/2009 30/11/2011 4
ARCHIVATOR ARCHIVATOR process - The solution for long-term archiving of... 20/11/2009 19/11/2012 6
ASPIS ASPIS - A Secure Platform for IPTV Systems 01/07/2009 01/08/2011 4
AntiFlu Development of novel clinical drug candidates for the treatm... 01/04/2009 30/09/2010 3
Arrayvolution A revolution in flexible cost-effective DNA and high density... 01/01/2009 31/12/2010 3
Autom. Sewing System Robot-Assisted Sewing System for the Individual Hemming of F... 01/09/2010 31/12/2012 4
BIOGRAPHE Biographical information extraction and people search platform 01/03/2010 31/12/2012 8
BroadSync2000 Next Generation synchronization equipment for DAB and DVB-T 01/01/2009 31/07/2010 2
CAMPUS 2 Context-Aware Middleware for Personal User Safety 2 01/04/2009 01/05/2011 4
CATAPULT Fast pultrusion process based on a novel anionic catalytic s... 01/04/2009 31/12/2012 2
CESECORE A certified Security Core that will enable deployment of a... 02/03/2009 01/03/2012 4
CHIPOC Development of an Innovative Miniature Bio-chip Reader for W... 01/06/2009 01/02/2012 3
CHIPSPEC Novel chip-scale mass spectrometer technologies for the anal... 02/03/2009 30/08/2010 2
CIRTUMAN Characterization of new tumour markers and development of a ... 01/08/2009 31/01/2014 2
CUBEA Advanced Customer Behavior Analysis - Tracking of Customers ... 01/07/2009 30/06/2010 3
CellDiaSP Cell-Diagnostics Sample-Preparation Polymer BioMEMS 19/08/2009 18/08/2013 3
CleanCustomTool Clean Custom Tools for Wood-Advanced Materials 01/11/2009 28/02/2013 4
ClearView Ground breaking Wide Dynamic Range and multispectral InGaAs ... 01/09/2009 31/08/2011 6
EXCALE Inductive method of mass measurement 01/07/2009 30/06/2012 2
Enhanced ADEPT Enhanced antibody directed enzyme prodrug therapy (ADEPT) fo... 06/04/2009 29/07/2011 2
FC Aeth Fast and loading compensated Aethalometer– an instrument for... 01/04/2009 30/09/2012 3
FERTID Quantification of male fertility – development of an innovat... 01/09/2009 31/08/2012 3
FastPath Measureament, control&actuation features for high performanc... 01/05/2009 30/04/2011 4
Fistula Catheter New generation fistula catheter technology for haemodialysis 01/09/2009 28/02/2012 3
Fryer Odor Reduction Development project for a new innovative and efficient odour... 01/04/2009 31/03/2011 4
GLYCOPRO A GLYcomic approach for the diagnosis of PROstate cancer 01/07/2009 31/12/2012 5
GeneICE Gene Inactivation through Chromatin Engineering: An innovati... 01/06/2009 01/06/2012 3
HIOD-MT HIOD MultiTalk Work site communication system 01/06/2009 04/04/2011 2
HYBRID Novel tin - layered double hydroxide hybrid fire retardants... 01/02/2010 01/02/2012 2
HYPROCOM Integrated Natural Gas based Hydrogen Production and Compres... 01/04/2009 31/03/2013 4
Hydronet II Development of an innovative, customizable, modular product-... 01/03/2009 01/09/2011 4
INSIDE Providing high-quality WiMAX indoor coverage through optical... 01/04/2009 31/03/2011 3
JELLYFOR JELLYfish FORecasting service based on Earth Observation 01/04/2009 30/09/2011 3
LEILAS Language based Entity Identification for Location Aware Serv... 01/04/2011 31/03/2013 7
LIPIDIESEL Adding value to lipid waste streams through a new production... 01/06/2009 31/05/2012 3
LLOT Long Lived Obesity Treatment 22/03/2009 31/05/2012 3
LycopeneRAMAN Monitoring Functional Molecules in Industrial Processes by ... 01/09/2009 30/11/2012 4
MAKIN' IT Managing Academic Knowledge with INtegrated, collaboratIve T... 01/04/2009 30/09/2010 3
MARFT Mobile augmented reality for tourists - a showcase project t... 01/12/2009 28/02/2013 3
MIGaN Microwave Integrated circuits for new generation of GaN pa... 02/03/2009 31/01/2013 2
MULTI@HOME Multi-Play dimensions for User-Centric Home & Extended-Home ... 01/07/2009 30/06/2011 4
Maritime CCS Novel process designs for reduction of maritime carbon emiss... 01/05/2009 31/12/2012 2
McXI Microscope X In-vitro 04/05/2009 29/04/2011 3
MeeTeach IP-based Conferencing and Collaborative platform for MEETing... 01/02/2009 01/02/2011 2
NAVIGA An Open and Adaptable Platform for elderly people and person... 01/07/2009 01/01/2012 6
NC Code Optimizer Development of a software module for the automated NC Code O... 01/11/2009 13/05/2012 4
NEMATIC A Novel System for the Production of World's First Ultra Fin... 01/06/2009 01/06/2011 5
NEOWARP Next-Generation Ultrafast Lasers and Workstations for Indust... 01/09/2009 31/07/2012 3
NET-EMC NEtwork Tool for ElectroMagnetic Compatibility 08/09/2009 30/09/2012 8
NILE a New Irrigation system for Low and Efficient water use in a... 01/10/2009 31/07/2013 10
NMEG Multi Nano Modified Epoxy Gelcoats for Wind Mill Blades 01/04/2009 01/03/2012 2
NetHomEra Enabling new era networked home services 01/11/2009 01/10/2011 7
OpticalLink Development of integrated optical technology for short range... 12/08/2009 31/03/2012 6
PCsiRNA Photochemical internalisation for delivery of short interfer... 01/07/2009 30/06/2012 3
PEASTAR Biotechnology tools for improving disease resistance and see... 01/04/2009 31/12/2011 2
PEPSPEX Absolute Quantification of Proteins in Mass Spectrometers fo... 01/04/2009 30/09/2012 3
PLASER Portable LAser system for the SurfacE preparation of composi... 01/10/2009 31/03/2013 3
PREMA Combined pharmaceutical compound PREdiction (computational c... 02/03/2009 01/07/2011 2
PSST Novel device for standardized and rapid blood Plasma Separat... 01/04/2009 01/11/2010 5
PYJIT PYJIT - a fast and flexible toolkit for dynamic programming ... 15/04/2009 15/10/2011 3
Plug&Pack ”New Machinery Research And Development or Packaging And We... 06/02/2009 06/03/2011 2
Precision IEEE 802.15.4a based Real Time Location System 02/01/2009 30/09/2010 2
ProBaSensor Probabilistic Bayesian soft sensor - a tool for on-line esti... 01/07/2009 30/06/2012 4
REOP REmoving Organic Pollutants from soils using instant pressur... 01/06/2009 30/11/2012 2
RFexpert Sheet metal roll forming process improvement by means of num... 01/01/2010 01/01/2013 5
RapidTest Development of products for rapid testing of toxic compounds... 01/01/2009 30/06/2012 3
SARA Coupled Structural-Aerodynamic Analysis and Control of wind-... 01/01/2009 01/01/2012 4
SB-AIS Space Based AIS – Improving operational efficiency and reduc... 06/04/2009 18/04/2013 4
SCMS Semantic Content Management Systems for Enterprise Knowledge... 01/10/2009 31/12/2012 6
SCOOP Search and Cartography of Online OPinions 01/04/2009 31/03/2011 4
SIMU-SiP SensoNor Inertial Measurement Unit - System-in-Package 01/07/2009 03/12/2012 2
SOILVIBES Railway Vibration Mitigation in Transmission Path (soil) 01/12/2009 01/06/2012 2
SkinMonitor Diagnosis of skin cancer based on ICT tools 01/11/2009 31/05/2013 7
T.E.O.M.E.S Tracking European Operations for Maritime EcoSystems 05/05/2009 05/07/2011 3
TILACSys Through-Ice Location and Communication System 02/02/2009 31/01/2011 2
USBM Management of USB devices 01/06/2009 01/12/2010 2
VETOCHIPS Development of protein biochips for diagnosing infectious di... 01/09/2009 30/04/2012 4
Vacuum-DLC Diamond Like Carbon (DLC) for vacuum and space applications 01/08/2009 31/12/2012 5
ViSAM Virtual Secure Authentication with the Mobile devices: Cost ... 01/06/2009 01/06/2011 3
VisuaLice Automated sea lice detection by computer vision. 01/06/2009 31/12/2012 5
Z-Box Development of a novel disinfection and sterilisation system... 01/04/2009 31/03/2011 3
iCloud Interoperability between Microsoft and IBM ‘Clouds’ (iCloud) 01/01/2009 31/12/2010 2
iRESCUE images for Rapid mapping, Enhanced Security and Communicati... 01/04/2009 31/03/2012 3
r doc project The Real-time Drug Optimal Compliance Project 01/10/2009 30/04/2012 3