Project: Measureament, control&actuation features for high performance machinery
European Machinery and Equipment (M&E) up to now is leading the global market. To retain and improve its leadership new competitive and sustainable High Added Value, K-based (M&E), must be developed. _x000D__x000D_Referring to Machine Tools and Industrial Robots – of which Europe has the 41% of the world market (47.300 Meuro)- high added value performances, tailored to customers new requirements, call for drastic RTD based Innovation concerning strategic features, such as motion control features and related subsystems and components._x000D__x000D_The call for productivity and precise manufacturing push the competition between manufacturers on the motion/position control performance._x000D__x000D_Currently, motion control features depend on traditional measurement systems (e.g. linear and angular encoders) and traditional actuators (motors and transmissions). In competitive motion/position control conditions (e.g. very high dinamics) these systems do not allow the high performances and customer differentiation required by the global market. _x000D__x000D_European Machine Tool Builders, that for these reasons are now competing mostly on cost factors - a threatening condition - must move to new competitive and sustainable High Added Value, K-based (M&E), whose performances, tailored to customers new requirements, are competitive and sustainable. New Innovative motion control features are a HAV and strategic enabling response to such needs._x000D__x000D_To support such strategy the project aims at applying the latest advancement in the field of inertial sensors, control algorithms and passive/active actuators in order to achieve the new and high motion control features required. This will enable the development of machinery faster and more accurate by, at least , 10-20% than the actual best in class high-performance machinery. _x000D_For doing that the starting base are new and dedicated measurement systems based on inertial technology. IInertial systems are, already, a way to control the dynamic of, as an example, aerospace systems. Up to now, instead, no applications have been developed in the machinery and robotic sector, other than laboratory prototypes or vibrations monitoring systems. _x000D__x000D_The reasons for that can be summarized as: a very high cost of systems with an acceptable signal/noise ratio (5.000 to 30.000 euro), low data rate considering robotics needs; absence of systems able to read, directly, angular acceleration of robot TCP (Tool Center Point)._x000D__x000D_The participants, instead, have developed new inertial systems dedicated to machinery and robotic applications, that can make the difference. They rely on new sensors that are able to read the 3 linear and the 3 angular accelerations and have the necessary data rate and latency times to perform hard real time applications, as for high performing machinery and robots._x000D_Starting from these solutions, the project is thus focused on the development and uu of inertial and actuating technologies. This- by highly innovating machinery and robot performances concerning the working path- contributes to the "birth" of new competitive and sustainable High Added Value, K-based machiery and robots. _x000D__x000D_The result of the project will be a class of "solutions" made of a measurement (inertial) system integrated with a control/actuating system. The solutions will be customizable on very different machines but in the project two test will be performed: the first one on a very fast parallel machine and the second one on a fast laser machine._x000D__x000D_On both industrial tests the goal of the project is to reach better performances (at least 10-20%) without any relevant change in the mechanical structure.
(Reference Number: 4784)
01/05/2009 - 30/04/2011
Project Topic
The project aims at applying the latest RTD advancements concerning inertial sensors, control algorithms and passive/active actuators, to generate K-based solutions, enabling the development of HAV machinery, 10-20% faster and more accurate, than current best in class high-performance Machinery.
Eurostars Cut-Off 2
Project partner