Project: Development of a multi-parameter geochemical probe for high temperature groundwater in-situ measurements (up to 105°C)
Project Background _x000D__x000D_In 2009, Flodim – the French SME coordinating the proposed project – started to develop well logging instruments in addition to its cavity surveys equipments. Flodim especially developed four mobile well intervention units, each with a winch carrying 2000 meters of cable, as well as two trailers, each with a winch with 4500 meters of cable for heavier work._x000D__x000D_Through this development towards well logging instrumentation, Flodim realised that its new customers had significant needs for in-situ analysis in high temperature groundwater – notably to monitor water quality – this being particularly true for three specific sectors: deep / high temperature thermalism, medium depth geothermal and CO2 injection._x000D__x000D_In these three applications, targeted depths are mostly comprised between 1800 and 3600 meters – these are depths of the majority of existing facilities and current undergoing projects in these sectors. At such depths, water temperature often reaches or slightly exceeds 100°C. _x000D__x000D_Nevertheless, existing geochemical probes and sensors are not adapted to groundwater measurements in such temperatures. Indeed, water analysis instrumentation that has been developed until now can only function at a maximum operating temperature of around 60-70°C. In addition, probes functioning at these temperatures (60-70°) are currently only produced by Idronaut – the Italian SME P of the proposed project. _x000D__x000D_In this framework, there is a clear market need for new technical developments aiming at temperature-adapted instrumentation, as expressed by several customers of Flodim – among which GDF Suez and Geostock – as well as Idronaut, such as Mount Sopris. These actors are indeed requesting significant improvement of geochemical probes and sensors in order to be able to realise in-situ groundwater measurements in higher temperatures. _x000D__x000D_Project Description and Objective_x000D__x000D_The CO objective of the project is thus to develop an innovative multi-parameter geochemical probe for in-situ groundwater analysis, which will be adapted to high temperature waters – up to 105°C._x000D__x000D_The developed system will include numerous sensors for measuring several parameters such as temperature, pressure, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen concentration, redox potential, etc. Apart from these sensors, the system will be able to integrate additional sensors traditionally used in oil production logs, as well as all the necessary cables. _x000D__x000D_This project is particularly innovative as its completion will result in the commercialisation of a new groundwater analysis system adapted to high temperatures waters, while the market currently only offers instruments with a maximum temperature tolerance of 60° to 70°C._x000D__x000D_The developed geochemical multi-parameter probe will be especially aimed at three specific applications: medium depth geothermal wells, CO2 injection and deep / high temperature thermalism. As these sectors are currently unable to realize in-situ analyses in high temperature waters, the project will create new opportunities on these markets through providing an entirely new service. In addition, ancillary markets such as oceanography – which is Idronaut CO area of expertise – may also be interested in the system, especially for applications such as underwater seismic activity and submarine volcanism._x000D__x000D_The project is thus both technically and commercially innovative. _x000D__x000D_General description of the Project Consortium_x000D__x000D_The Consortium is composed of two R&D performing SMEs under the definition of the Eurostars programme:_x000D__x000D_• Flodim – – is a French SME founded in 1995 by Jean-Paul Crabeil which is specialised in development and manufacture of measuring underground cavities equipment in liquids, air and gas, for various applications (storage cavities, old mines and quarries, as well as compressed air cavities). For the past few years, Flodim also started to develop well logging instruments such as production logging tools including pressure, temperature and gamma ray instruments. _x000D__x000D_• Idronaut – – is an Italian SME established in 1982 for the development of innovative marine instrumentation. Idronaut is currently an industry leader and innovator in the design, manufacture and support of oceanographic sensors and instrumentation. The company especially possesses an expertise in the fields of marine chemistry, electrochemistry, sensor design, computer science and software, and micro-mechanics. The Eurostars project will notably enable it to use project technological developments on its own markets such as oceanography (in areas such as submarine volcanism and underwater seismic activity) as well as to provide the probe to service providers in the three targeted applications._x000D__x000D_This Consortium will thus be in charge of developing together the multi-parameter geochemical probe adapted to high temperature in-situ analyses in groundwater._x000D_
Acronym | HighTempProbe (Reference Number: 5964) |
Duration | 01/01/2011 - 31/12/2012 |
Project Topic | The Consortium will develop an innovative geochemical probe for in-situ measurements in high temperature groundwater (up to 105°C). It will measure several parameters for applications which work with such level of temperature: geothermal wells, CO2 injection and high temperature thermalism. |
Project Results (after finalisation) |
By the end of June 2013, a second prototype of the probe including its Antares integration has been obtained. Its functioning has been validated through several series of tests:_x000D__x000D_- A first series of tests was carried out on a first prototype, starting in 2012. These tests were implemented in one of the deep geothermal wells of Soultz Sous Forêt, which is the French geothermal pilot site, located in Alsace;_x000D_- Following the obtaining of positive results, a second prototype was assembled and a new series of tests was launched in 2013. These tests were carried out in a geothermal well in Germany (near Gotha) in collaboration with the German company BLM (located in Gommern). Once again, results obtained have been very satisfying and allowed us demonstrating that the HighTempProbe was operational and functional at various pressure, temperature and depth levels. _x000D__x000D_Consequently, the HighTempProbe project has led to the successful development and obtaining of a new product to be commercialised (see 3. Economic Impact of the Project): the planned multi-parameter geochemical probe for high temperature groundwater in-situ measurements. So as to reach this final result, the following intermediate results were first obtained by the Consortium during the project:_x000D__x000D_- Sensors for measuring various parameters such as pH, pressure, temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration, etc._x000D_- Electronics adapted to high temperatures and dedicated: i) to the sensors; ii) to communication beween sensors and surface;_x000D_- Mechanics adapted to high pressure / high temperature environments;_x000D_- Interface for communication between the probe and surface;_x000D_- Two prototypes for testing both in laboratory and in real conditions. _x000D_ |
Network | Eurostars |
Call | Eurostars Cut-Off 5 |
Project partner
Number | Name | Role | Country |
2 | FLODIM SARL | Coordinator | France |
2 | IDRONAUT S.r.l | Partner | Italy |