Project: Aggregated demand-side management for improved delivery, capacity and prevention of power black-outs.

The UMEME 24/7 project aims at delivering a product for aggregated demand side management for improved delivery, capacity and prevention of power black-outs, targeting developing countries, particularly in the sub-Sahara. _x000D__x000D_For the realization of the product, the project has two CO technological objectives to solve: (1) to predict potential network-wide power outages in a timely fashion using simulations fed by real-time power system measurements; and (2) using these predictions to control the demand side using hard mechanisms such as circuit breakers, and softer mechanisms such as lowering the power consumption of specific types of devices/systems (e.g. air-conditioning or street lighting._x000D__x000D_In addition to the technological objectives the project has one socio-economic/service innovation objective to solve: to incentivize the product’s use by organizations that have their own power plants, i.e. rather than turning their power off without warning, providing them with the incentives and tools to satisfy their demands in “island mode”, off the grid._x000D__x000D_Background: A Case Study from Kenya_x000D_A well-functioning and reliable power grid is an essential aspect of COtaining continued development and growth. During recent years Kenya has been facing a power shortage. The total installed capacity in 2009 was 1200MW, with hydroelectric production constituting 56% of the total capacity [1]. Partly due to low water levels, the supply shortfall was at that time projected to around 80-144MW. Because of this, local industry has been pushing for the implementation of Time-Of-Use metering tariffs as well as voluntary declared load-shedding. Kenya, however, still faces 50-80 days with power outages every year [2]. Hence, measures such as forced demand-side management and power rationing seem inevitable. As a result of the rather unreliable power supply, more than 70 percent of the larger enterprises in the country have invested in private power generators that are currently used COly as “island mode” generators in case of blackouts on the general power grid. Currently these generators would be made operational only after a power outage occurred. The proposed product of this project aims at predicting immanent power outages, managing demand on non essential loads and incentivizing enterprises with private power generators to enter into island mode, shedding additional load from the gird to avoid a power outage._x000D__x000D_The consortium consisting of 3 Ps; AMPLEX (AM) and ENERGYNAUTICS (EN) (both R&D intensive SMEs) and ALEXANDRA (AI) (GTS-Knowledge Institution):_x000D__x000D_AM is expanding to become a global player within energy intelligence, originating with their intelligent street light systems in 2001. Their mission is to help cities and utilities to intelligently monitor and control assets, achieving greener cities, higher-quality services and dramatically lower costs. Amplex has strong experience from distribution-side smart grid systems in the Middle East, China, Malaysia, South Africa, and is currently moving in on the East-African markets._x000D__x000D_Since 2004 EN is active in the field of Smart Grids and Micro grids with special focus on developing real time simulations tools for the operation and control of Smart Grids. ENERGYNAUTICS provides the needed expertise to build simulation models for the prediction of power-outages based on real-time measurements in the grid._x000D__x000D_AI is an SME with focus on application oriented research in the field of pervasive computing. The core values of our research include a User Driven Innovation methodology which involves working closely together with research, industry and the end user. The Alexandra Institute has strong experiences in business development and service innovation and has been working in collaborative projects for several years. _x000D_References_x000D__x000D_[1] Kenya Association of Manufacturers: Electricity Supply Scenario in the Country, June 2009._x000D_[2] Ramachandran, Vijaya: Center for Global Development Essay, Power and Roads for Africa, March 2008._x000D_

Acronym UMEME 24/7 (Reference Number: 6466)
Duration 01/10/2011 - 31/03/2014
Project Topic The UMEME 24/7 project aims at delivering a product for aggregated demand side management for improved delivery, capacity and prevention of power black-outs, targeting developing countries, particularly in the sub-Sahara.
Project Results
(after finalisation)
The Alexandra Institute has delivered inputs for the technical development and service innovation through qualitative user studies and economical analysis._x000D_
Network Eurostars
Call Eurostars Cut-Off 6

Project partner