2nd Call for proposals (Call 2007)

Basic Information

Website https://www.eurotransbio.eu/
Aim of the joint call n/a
Type of joint call Two Stages - Call with pre-proposals and full proposals submissions
Launch date 15/03/2007
Deadline Pre-Proposal 07/05/2007 Submitted proposal: n/a
Deadline Full-Proposal 27/08/2007 Submitted proposal: 21
Evaluation End Date 30/10/2007 Successful proposal: n/a Proposals funded: 18
Is call co-funded? No
Call follow up funding n/a
Call reasons n/a
Research fields n/a
Type of research n/a
Target groups n/a
Participating networks n/a

Funded Projects

Acronym Title Start End No. partners
ETB-2007-05 Development of methods and means for treating DNA repeat ins... 2
ETB-2007-06 Inexpensive production of low endotoxin biopolymers to devel... 2
ETB-2007-07 Crossbeta adjuvation of H5 subunit vaccine against influenza... 2
ETB-2007-08 Identification of novel targets for the prophylaxis and trea... 2
ETB-2007-10 Clinical Validation of Genetic Tests for the Evaluation and ... 2
ETB-2007-13 Spectral Systems for Prion early Detection in sheep milk and... 2
ETB-2007-16 Alzheimer apheresis. 2
ETB-2007-21 Protection of Donor Organs: New Machine Perfusion Techniques... 3
ETB-2007-22 Early (non- and minimally invasive) diagnostics of lung cancer 3
ETB-2007-24 Innovative Diagnostics for the Rapid Identification and Dete... 2
ETB-2007-25 Integration of three pioneering screening technologies to pr... 2
ETB-2007-28 Research on cultivation and properties of probiotic bacteria... 2
ETB-2007-29 Creation of a production platform to develop therapeutic pro... 2
ETB-2007-32 Improving immunotherapeutic treatment of cancer by molecular... 2
ETB-2007-34 A new Biotechnology Platform for Multipurpose Biosensors. 2
ETB-2007-37: GLOBCELL Global scale analysis and prediction of human cellular behav... 2
ETB-2007-38 Development of new anticoagulant drugs 2
ETB-2007-41 New peptides for cardiovascular diagnosis. 2