ForestValue2 Joint Call 2023

Basic Information

This Joint Call is self-sustained, meaning the participating funders will provide the funding without any co-funding from the European Commission. The ForestValue2 Joint Call 2023 aims to support a transnational collaborative systems approach to produce knowledge that supports the best use of forests and forest resources, while balancing the multiple benefits for society, climate, environment and the economy. The Call has two themes: Theme 1 – Resilient sustainable forest systems and management; Theme 2 – Sustainable timber building systems.

Network ForestValue2
Aim of the joint call This Joint Call is self-sustained, meaning the participating funders will provide the funding without any co-funding from the European Commission. The ForestValue2 Joint Call 2023 aims to support a transnational collaborative systems approach to produce knowledge that supports the best use of forests and forest resources, while balancing the multiple benefits for society, climate, environment and the economy. The Call has two themes: Theme 1 – Resilient sustainable forest systems and management; Theme 2 – Sustainable timber building systems.
Type of joint call One Stage - Call with no pre-proposals submission
Launch date 02/05/2023
Deadline Full-Proposal 01/09/2023 Submitted proposal: 25
Evaluation End Date 30/11/2023 Successful proposal: 21 Proposals funded: 4
Is call co-funded? Yes
Call follow up funding n/a
Call reasons n/a
Research fields
  • Environment
  • Industrial production
  • Materials
Type of research
  • Basic research
  • Applied Research
  • Pre-competitive research
Target groups
  • Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
  • Public Research Organisations (PROs)
  • Private and Semi-private Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs)
  • SME (Small and Medium Enterprises)
  • Large Corporations
Participating networks n/a

Funded Projects

Acronym Title Start End No. partners
CRESTIMB InCREased Service life of innovative TIMber Building systems 13
IFORPLAN Innovative spatial forest planning for supporting resilient ... 4
SOSFOR Unveiling sustainable operating spaces for European forests 5
TiRex Framework for smart condition reassessment of Reclaimed Timb... 8