Foresight and Society ERA - NET
Basic Information
ForSociety ERA-Net will enable coordination among the national foresight programmes of 15 countries, with a view to increase their national and European impact and to implement joint programmes. For this purpose the consortium will carry out a set of coord ination activities that will also provide effective support to European scientific and technological integration along with the spirit of the ERA, especially in view of the enlarged EU and operational implementation of Article 169. ForSociety ERA-Net addr esses the following strategic objectives: 1. Realise a sustained coordination between the national foresight programmes, through which their quality and impact is improved, their European content is enhanced, and trans-national programmes emerge. 2. Avoi d compartmental approaches in emerging fields of research in Europe and thus deliver strategic guidance for the realisation of ERA. 3. Develop a system of national foresights in Europe, which contributes to the realisation of ERA by shaping the future of research towards societal needs and concerns. 4. Develop a European foresight culture, which strengthens future oriented thinking among policy makers and enhances the participation of all relevant stakeholder groups in the decision-making processes.
Research fields covered by the network
- Socio-economics sciences and humanities
- Other: Foresight
United Kingdom
Joint Calls
No joint call activities found.