Project: Resources of groundwater harmonized at cross-border and pan-European scale

Acronym RESOURCE (Reference Number: GeoE.171.004)
Duration 01/07/2018 - 30/06/2021
Project Topic Although EU member states generally have a comprehensive overview of the groundwater resources in their own homeland and have delineated groundwater bodies for the EU Water Framework Directive, a coherent overview of all fresh groundwater over Europe is not available for policy development and evaluation. The RESOURCE project proposal aims at demonstrating the potentials of the harmonization of information about Europe’s groundwater resources through cross-border demonstrations projects, through harmonized characterization approaches for Karst and Chalk aquifers and through a first information product at Pan-European scale where available data is compiled and integrated to produce a map of the fresh groundwater resources of Europe. The set of deliverables of the RESOURCE project will provide good practices in providing harmonized data and information across borders for assessments of the 3D structure of aquifers, the water volumes available, and the water fluxes and water quality of the resource. Harmonization of such hydrogeological information is a prerequisite for any transboundary groundwater management. A range of regional and national stakeholders will be involved in the work in order to ensure both interaction with authorities that manage and protect groundwater resources and with end-users, thus maximizing dissemination of the results and providing them with easy-access tools through the cooperation with the GeoERA Information Platform Project, jointly prioritizing the information products that are most beneficial for society. The information products to be delivered will serve as a first prototype example of information to be accessible within a Geological Service for Europe.
Project Results
(after finalisation)
-Two cross-border demonstration projects that set a new standard for harmonization across borders, not only for 3D geological structures but also for hydrological characteristics such as groundwater heads, fluxes and water quality; these demonstration projects should be considered as a first step towards harmonization at European scale. - Involvement of stakeholders in the cross-border demonstration projects in order to show and evaluate how synchronized cross-border information adds value to cross-border aquifer management and promotes sustainably prioritizing of different uses of shallow and deep groundwater resources. - A truly pan-European effort to create a consistent pan-European information product that yields a spatial overview of the volume and depth of Europe’s fresh groundwater resources, including a first estimate of total abstraction rates from the resource and the identification of deep paleo waters that may function as strategic reserves - Creation of a common methodological framework for characterization of karst aquifers and their vulnerability, with a guidance for managing and protecting various karst aquifer types.
Website visit project website
Network GeoERA
Call GeoERA Cofund Call

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek c Netherlands
2 Deltares Partner Netherlands
3 Albanian Geological Survey Partner Albania
4 Geologische Bundesanstalt Partner Austria
5 Vlaamse Milieu Maatschappij – Flanders Environment Agency Partner Belgium
6 Belgian Nuclear Research Centre Partner Belgium
7 Geological Survey of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Partner Bosnia and Herzegovina
8 Hrvatski Geološki Institut – Croatian Geological Survey Partner Croatia
9 Cyprus Geological Survey Department Partner Cyprus
10 Ceska Geologicka Sluzba – Czech Geological Survey Partner Czech Republic
11 Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Partner Denmark
12 Geologian Tutkimuskeskus – Geological Survey of Finland Partner Finland
13 Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières Partner France
14 Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary Partner Hungary
15 Islenskar Orkurannsoknir – Iceland GeoSurvey Partner Iceland
16 Geological Survey Ireland Partner Ireland
17 Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione Ambientale del Piemonte Partner Italy
18 Regione Umbria Partner Italy
19 Latvian Centre of Geology, Environment and Meteorology Partner Latvia
20 Lietuvos Geologijos Tarnyba prie Aplinkos Ministerijos – Lithuanian Geological Survey under the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania Partner Lithuania
21 Service géologique du Luxembourg - Geological Survey of Luxembourg Partner Luxembourg
22 Office of the Prime Minister Partner Malta
23 Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute Partner Poland
24 Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia Partner Portugal
25 Institutul Geologic al României Partner Romania
26 Geological Survey of Serbia Partner Serbia
27 Geološki zavod Slovenije Partner Slovenia
28 Instituto Geológico y Minero de España Partner Spain
29 Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya Partner Spain
30 Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning Partner Sweden
31 State Research and Development Enterprise – State Information Geological Fund of Ukraine Partner Ukraine
32 United Kingdom Research and Innovation (British Geological Survey) Partner United Kingdom
33 Eesti Geoloogiakeskus Partner Estonia
34 Geologischer Dienst Nordrhein-Westfalen Partner Germany