Project: FOOD2GATHER: Exploring foodscapes as public spaces for integration

Acronym Food2Gather
Duration 02/05/2019 - 02/04/2022
Project Topic FOOD2GATHER will investigate the roles food play in public spaces, shaping opportunities for communication and relations between migrants (including refugees and displaced populations) and the host societies, thus creating conditions for integration.Our research builds on the interplay in public spaces of two variables: food cultures and migration, through the concept of foodscapes - understood as public spaces knitted together through food related practices, including the physical, social, and institutional landscapes of foods and their modes of valuation. Through different but complementary case studies in six European countries -addressed with multi-situated, ethnographic, historical and visual perspectives- this project will answer the JRP call by making use of the potentialities of foodscapes as a dynamic tool for facilitating integration, which comprises the agencies of both migrants and local citizens in European countries. FOOD2GATHER aims to investigating how foodscapes are means of communication, relations, reflexivity and integration in the host society and promoting cooperation between researchers, stakeholders and the civil society through joint learning and interactive collaboration.Expected results are to identify good practices tied to consumption, production, distribution and sharing of food infoodscapes aimed to foster both forms of sociality and inclusion as guidelines for hospitality models.The innovative character of the research is the foodscape approach, both empirical and theoretical, not only highlighting theaspect of nourishment and access to food but also its cultural and relational dimensions. Foodscapes are seen as crucial mediators in the construction of dynamic and reciprocal relationships among citizens and citizens-to-be in Europe.
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Call HERA Joint Research Programme “Public Spaces: Culture and Intergration in Europe”

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