HERA Call “Uses of the Past”

Basic Information

Website https://heranet.info/hera-jrp-documents-1
Aim of the joint call n/a
Type of joint call Two Stages - Call with pre-proposals and full proposals submissions
Launch date 01/01/2015
Deadline Pre-Proposal 09/04/2015 Submitted proposal: 605
Deadline Full-Proposal 08/10/2015 Submitted proposal: 100
Evaluation End Date 31/12/2015 Successful proposal: n/a Proposals funded: 18
Is call co-funded? Yes
Call follow up funding n/a
Call reasons n/a
Research fields n/a
Type of research n/a
Target groups n/a
Participating networks n/a

Organisations Participating

Country Organisation
Austria Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Belgium National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS)
Belgium Research Foundation Flanders (FWO)
Croatia Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (HAZU)
Czech Republic Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (ASCR)
Denmark The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (DASTI DCTI)
Estonia Estonian Research Council duplicate to 998483760 (ETAG)
European Union European Commission (EC)
Finland Academy of Finland (AKA)
Germany German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Iceland Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNIS)
Ireland Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
Italy Italian National Research Council (CNR)
Latvia State Education Development Agency (VIAA)
Lithuania Research Council of Lithuania (LSC/LMT/RCL)
Luxembourg National Fund for Research (FNR)
Netherlands Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)
Norway Research Council of Norway (RCN)
Poland National Science Centre (NCN)
Portugal Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)
Slovenia Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport (MESCS/MIZS)
Spain Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO)
Sweden Swedish Research Council (VR/SRC)
Switzerland Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF/SNF)
United Kingdom Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)

Funded Projects

Acronym Title Start End No. partners
CITIGEN Identity, citizenship, and nationhood in the post-genome era 20/06/2016 20/06/2019 8
CRUSEV Cruising the 1970s: Unearthing Pre-HIV/AIDS Queer Sexual Cul... 01/06/2016 31/05/2019 22
DEEPDEAD Deploying the Dead: Artefacts and human bodies in socio-cult... 01/06/2016 31/05/2019 6
EAU-TBC East Asian Uses of the European Past: Tracing Braided Chrono... 01/06/2016 31/05/2019 11
EUROPACH Disentangling European HIV/AIDS Policies: Activism, Citizens... 01/06/2016 31/05/2019 18
HERILIGION The heritagization of religion and the sacralization of heri... 01/06/2016 31/05/2019 13
MELA Memory Laws in European and Comparative Perspectives 01/06/2016 01/06/2019 4
MODSCAPES MODSCAPES - Modernist reinventions of the rural landspace 01/06/2016 30/05/2019 9
MuMiL-EU Multilingualism and Minority Languages in Ancient Europe 01/06/2016 31/05/2019 17
PriArc Printing the Past. Architecture, Print Culture and Uses of t... 13/06/2016 12/06/2019 9
ProNoLa Protestant Legacies in Nordic Law: Uses of the Past in the C... 01/07/2016 30/06/2019 15
SoundMe Sound Memories: The Musical Past in Late-Medieval and Early-... 01/09/2016 31/08/2019 6
The debt The debt: historicizing Europe's relations with the 'South' 01/06/2016 31/05/2018 10
UNUP After Empire: Using and not using the past in the crisis of ... 01/06/2016 31/05/2019 10
UPIER Uses of the Past in International Economic Relations 01/06/2016 31/05/2019 6
US-PPIP US-PPIP Understanding Sharia: Past Perfect/Imperfect Present 01/06/2016 31/05/2018 4
iC-ACCESS Accessing Campscapes: Inclusive Strategies for Using Europea... 01/04/2016 31/03/2019 14