ERA-NET Plus on Cultural Heritage and Global Change Research

Basic Information


The main objective of the HERITAGE PLUS proposal is to pool the necessary financial resources from the participating national programmes and the European Community and to launch a single Joint Call for Proposals for research projects in the cultural heritage field that will be evaluated and managed jointly by the participating programmes.
The 16 Participants have a strong background in designing, promoting and managing transnational, collaborative research programmes having participated to the Era Net Projects NET HERITAGE, HERA and DCNET and implemented the Joint Programming Initiative “Cultural Heritage and Global Change: a new challenge for Europe” (JPICH). Within JPICH, the launch of the first pilot call, actually open, represents the factual commitment of Participants to implement transnational research programming.
This ERA NET PLUS action will support the JPICH by proposing concrete solutions for pooling national expertise and resources and establishing closer and robust collaboration among the participating States in the field of cultural heritage. The HERITAGE PLUS action will improve the coordination of national research activities and policies in the domain of cultural heritage research.

Research fields covered by the network

  • Other: Cultural Heritage and and Global Change

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Joint Calls

Joint Call Title Type Launch Date Deadline
End Date
JPI Cultural Heritage and Global Change two-stages 03/03/2014 28/04/2014

Submitted: 352


Submitted: 61


Funded: 16