Project: Environmental justice analysis to advance rural landscape transformations in the face of climate change

Acronym Just-Scapes (Reference Number: JTC-2019_131)
Duration 01/12/2020 - 30/11/2023
Project Topic The Just-Scapes project will explore the meaning and practice of “just transformation” in the face of climate change. We define this as widescale and deep-rooted social-ecological change that combines environmental goals (including decarbonisation and protection of biodiversity) with social justice goals. Justice goals relate not only to the distribution of the effects of climate change but also to the effects of climate policy responses. This attention to social justice involves challenging inequalities across categories such as race, gender, wealth, belief system and generations, and adhering to the UN’s 2030 Agenda to ‘leave no one behind’. The idea of ‘just transformation’ views social justice as a goal in its own right, but also as instrumental to overcoming ‘justice barriers’ to the visioning and implementation of transformational change. Such barriers are increasingly evident across Europe, with some climate policies viewed as socially regressive, disproportionately impacting on low income and rural households (for example the Gilets Jaunes movement in France).
Website visit project website
Network JPI Climate
Call 2019 Call SOLSTICE

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