Project: Socially Just and Politically Robust Decarbonisation: A Knowledge Base and Toolkit for Policymakers

Acronym JUSTDECARB (Reference Number: JTC-2019_261)
Duration 01/12/2020 - 30/11/2023
Project Topic The scientific objective of the project will be pursued via two research themes. The first research theme aims to fill critical knowledge gaps concerning the philosophy, politics and economics of transitional “winners” and “losers”, as they pertain to processes of decarbonisation, via novel, singledisciplinary research projects. One such project will use philosophical methods to clarify the conceptual and normative issues at the heart of the “social justice” dimension of decarbonisation. The second project will use methods from micro-econometrics and labour economics to better understand the difference in skill requirements between high-carbon and zerocarbon jobs, and the implications of these skill differences for the design of climate policies and complementary labour market measures. The third project will focus on political polarisation and the political behaviour of winners and losers from decarbonisation. Using both large-n survey and small-n comparative case-study methods, this third project will study how and why opposition to climate policy develops, with a view to improving the political robustness of climate policies. The focus of the case studies will be on the phase-out of oil and gas (Norway and UK) and the phase-out of coalmining and/or coal-fired power generation (Czech Republic and Austria).
Project Results
(after finalisation)
JUSTDECARB will bring together leading social science and humanities researchers from four disciplines (philosophy, political science, economics, and law) across four countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Norway, and UK) in pursuit of two overarching project objectives: 1. To fill critical gaps in the knowledge base relating to socially just and politically robust decarbonisation, with a particular focus on inclusive processes and redistributive measures (the scientific objective); 2. To develop a ‘toolkit’ to help European policymakers steer transition processes in a socially just and politically robust direction (the policy objective).
Website visit project website
Network JPI Climate
Call 2019 Call SOLSTICE

Project partner