3rd JPIAMR-ACTION Joint Call 2022

Basic Information

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a serious threat to global health. The JPIAMR recognises Diagnostics and Surveillance as priority topics in its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda2. The overarching goal of the priority topic, Diagnostics, is to stimulate the design, development, evaluation, and implementation of diagnostic tests3 for the treatment and prevention of infections, particularly those caused by antimicrobial-resistant organisms.

Website https://www.jpiamr.eu/calls/network-call-2022/
Aim of the joint call The aim of this call is to assemble networks of leading experts and stakeholders with an intent to facilitate the development, optimisation and use of diagnostic and surveillance tools, technologies and systems. Networks should work towards the conceptualisation of ideas in order to provide white papers, guidance documents and/or best practices/roadmaps and evidence frameworks to identify key questions to be addressed and/or potential solutions to overcome barriers to enhanced surveillance and advanced diagnostics to reduce the burden of AMR.
Type of joint call One Stage - Call with no pre-proposals submission
Launch date 12/04/2022
Deadline Full-Proposal 14/06/2022 Submitted proposal: n/a
Evaluation End Date 01/11/2022 Successful proposal: n/a Proposals funded: n/a
Is call co-funded? Yes
Call follow up funding n/a
Call reasons n/a
Research fields
  • Health
Type of research n/a
Target groups
  • Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
  • Public Research Organisations (PROs)
Participating networks n/a

Funded Projects

Acronym Title Start End No. partners
B2B2B AMRDx Bench, Bedside, Business, and Beyond: innovative solutions f... 69
BASICS Bridging of Amicrobial resistance Surveillance systems In Co... 18
INFORM-AFR International Fungal Network for One-Health Resistance Surve... 30
ISARPAE Improving surveillance of antibiotic-resistant Pseudomonas a... 38
MyMIC Standardization of diagnostics and antimicrobial susceptibil... 48
TEAPOTS Tools for the Epidemiology of AMR Plasmids, One-Health Trans... 25