Project: International Fungal Network for One-Health Resistance Surveillance: Antifungal Resistance

Acronym INFORM-AFR (Reference Number: JPIAMR_NC_2022-012)
Project Topic Antifungal resistance (AFR) is an increasing concern in fungal pathogens, including Aspergillusfumigatus, yeastsand uncommon moulds that may cause breakthrough infection. There are currently no international AFRsurveillance programs,aspublic health surveillance commonly focus on bacterial resistance. Acquired AFRmay develop through in host resistance selection and through exposure of fungi to fungicides in our environment, underscoring the requirement for a One Health approach to AFR surveillance. In this proposal we aim to provide a snap shot of current nationalAFRsurveillance initiatives through anonline survey, including identifyingthe stakeholders involved (deliverable 1). We subsequently willorganize a start-up workshop aimed to design surveillance programsthat involves clinical and environmental sampling, the use of genomics tools and data management. We aim to involve all relevant stakeholders, including public health institutes, mycology excellence centresand reference laboratories, and environmental and veterinary research groups. The outcome of this workshop will be a surveillance framework that enables systematic resistance surveillance in multiple countries, thus allowing inter-country comparisons (deliverable 2). To increase efficacy we aim to develop standardized surveillance for multiple fungal pathogens including A. fumigatus, yeastsand non-fumigatusmoulds (deliverable 3). Laboratory protocols(clinical and environmental), culture collections, case record forms, data management and exchange, privacy and ethical approval issues, and communication plans will be developed. Using this framework, we will apply for funding to secure support to perform surveillance and scientific research associated with the network (deliverable 4).
Website visit project website
Call 3rd JPIAMR-ACTION Joint Call 2022

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 Radboud University Medical Center Coordinator Netherlands
2 PHW Mycology Reference Laboratory Observer United Kingdom
3 Imperial College School of Public Health Observer United Kingdom
4 UK Health Security Agency Observer United Kingdom
5 Manchester University Foundation Trust, Wythenshawe Hospital Observer United Kingdom
6 Institut Pasteur Observer France
7 Université Paris Cité Observer France
8 University of Rennes Observer France
9 University Hospital of Besançon Observer France
10 University Hospital of Strasbourg Observer France
11 University Hospitals Leuven/ University of Leuven Observer Belgium
12 National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Observer Netherlands
13 Wageningen University & Research Observer Netherlands
14 Trinity College Dublin Observer Ireland
15 Children’s Health Ireland Observer Ireland
16 Norwegian Veterinary Institute Observer Norway
17 Oslo University Hospital Observer Norway
18 Instituto de Salud Carlos III Observer Spain
19 Instituto de Salud Carlos III Observer Spain
20 Institut of Hygiene and Medical Microbiology Observer Austria
21 Medical University of Graz Observer Austria
22 Attikon University General Hospital, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Observer Greece
23 Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute, University of Delhi Observer India
24 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Observer United States
25 Alfred Health Observer Australia
26 SA Pathology Observer Australia
27 Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Observer Ethiopia
28 Julius-Maximilians-University of Wuerzburg Observer Germany
29 University of Cologne Observer Germany
30 Statens Serum Institut Observer Denmark