Project: FARM interventions to Control Antimicrobial ResistancE

Acronym FARM-CARE (Reference Number: JPIAMR_2021_P009)
Duration 01/05/2022 - 30/04/2025
Project Topic FARM-CARE focuses on control of AMR spread in pig farms because pigs are the main contributors to antimicrobial use (AMU) in animals and AMR transmission to farm workers and the environment. The project builds upon the established notion that stress is a major driver for pig disease, which in turn contributes to AMU and AMR spread within farms. Our hypothesis is that AMR spread can be controlled by limiting the common practice of co-mingling, which is a recognized cause of stress and AMR transmission between pigs, and by applying biosecurity measures to prevent AMR transmission to farm workers and the community. We aim to understand the impact of these two farm interventions (WP1-2), and design and evaluate two innovative tools based on machine learning (WP3), assessing cost-effectiveness of each intervention from the perspective of the farmers and the society. The work plan will be implemented using a truly One Health approach based on joint training of 3 PhD fellows across sectors. FARM-CARE is an interdisciplinary and multi-actor project involving 3 higher education institutions, 3 public organisations, and 1 private large company with established national and international networks that will facilitate dissemination and stakeholder involvement. Each partner brings one or more areas of expertise with clearly defined roles and responsibilities. Participation by an LMIC partner that represents over 90% of pig farmers in Colombia will allow assessment of the farm interventions in a different production setting and capacity building in this country.
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Call 1st JPIAMR-ACTION Joint Call 2021

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