Project: Interventions to decrease CRE colonization and transmission between hospitals, households, communities and domesticated animals.

Acronym I-CRECT (Reference Number: JPIAMR_2021_P016)
Duration 15/02/2022 - 14/02/2025
Project Topic Carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) colonization of patients discharged from hospitals is a source of transmission to the community. In a cluster randomized controlled trial the effect of a bundle of interventions will be assessed on CRE transmission from CRE+ index patient discharged from hospital to HouseHold (HH) members. The districts in two provinces will be randomized to intervention or control. An information, communication, education and hygiene intervention, developed in collaboration with local health authorities, will aim to improve hygiene and decrease antibiotic (AB) use. The effect will be evaluated on CRE transmission between HH members, livestock and environment through consecutive CRE screening using fecal and hospital effluent samples cultured on carbapenem selective media. Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice surveys with smartphones will assess health seeking, AB use and hygiene adherence, hence detecting the effect of interventions. If transmission of CRE +/- Colistin Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CoRE, common among livestocks) is detected the source will be investigated including livestock and food, targeted information will be given and evaluated. In hospitals the effect of cohort care will be assessed on CRE acquisition, hospital acquired infection, treatment outcome, cost-effectiveness and contamination in sewage water. Mechanisms of resistance, relatedness of CRE isolates in different One Health departments, and rate of CRE transmission from humans to animals and vice versa, will be assessed through Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS).
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Call 1st JPIAMR-ACTION Joint Call 2021

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