M-ERA.NET Joint Call 2017

Basic Information

Network M-ERA.NET 2
Website https://m-era.net/
Aim of the joint call The aim is to fund ambitious transnational RTD projects addressing materials research and innovation including materials for low energy technologies and related production technologies.
Type of joint call Two Stages - Call with pre-proposals and full proposals submissions
Launch date 14/03/2017
Deadline Pre-Proposal 13/06/2017 Submitted proposal: 91
Deadline Full-Proposal 09/11/2017 Submitted proposal: 48
Evaluation End Date 15/02/2018 Successful proposal: 37 Proposals funded: 20
Is call co-funded? No
Call follow up funding
  • There are mechanisms in place to monitor
  • There are mechanisms in place to monitor technical progress
Call reasons
  • Achieving critical mass
  • Sharing competences and associated work
  • Addressing global issues
  • Developing common administrative procedures
  • Access to expertise from different countries
  • Reducing administrative overheads
  • Addressing specific scientific and technological issues
Research fields
  • Energy
  • Materials
  • Nanosciences and nanotechnologies
Type of research
  • Basic research
  • Applied Research
Target groups
  • Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
  • Public Research Organisations (PROs)
  • Private and Semi-private Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs)
  • SME (Small and Medium Enterprises)
  • Large Corporations
Participating networks n/a

Organisations Participating

Country Organisation
Austria Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
Belgium Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship (VLAIO)
Belgium Public Service of Wallonia (SPW)
Brazil São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)
Bulgaria National Science Fund of Bulgaria (BNSF)
Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation (RPF/IPE)
Estonia Estonian Research Council duplicate to 998483760 (ETAG)
Finland Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (TEKES)
France Aquitaine Regional Council (ALPC)
Germany Project Management Juelich / Research Centre Juelich (PTJ/FZJ)
Hungary National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH)
Iceland Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNIS)
Israel Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)
Korea, Republic of Korea Institute for the Advancement of Technology (KIAT)
Latvia State Education Development Agency (VIAA)
Lithuania Research Council of Lithuania (LSC/LMT/RCL)
Luxembourg National Fund for Research (FNR)
Netherlands Materials Innovation Institute (M2i)
Poland National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR)
Poland National Science Centre (NCN)
Romania Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI)
Russia Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE)
Slovakia Slovak Academy of Science (SAS/SAV)
South Africa Department of Science and Technology (DST)
Spain Agency for Innovation and Development of Andalucia (IDEA)
Spain Community of Madrid - Department of Innovation and Technology (CM)
Spain Economic Development Agency of the Principality of Asturias (IDEPA)
Switzerland State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI)
Taiwan National Science and Technology Council / Ministry of Science and Technology (NSTC / MoST Taiwan)
Türkiye The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)

Funded Projects

Acronym Title Start End No. partners
3DPrintInn 3D Printable Innovative Biobased Materials for Wood Mimics 03/09/2018 02/09/2021 3
4DbloodROT 4 Dimensional Single Piece Miniaturized Blood Rotor 01/10/2018 30/09/2021 8
Bio4Cryo Development of Biobased Cryogenic Insulation Modified with N... 01/09/2018 31/08/2021 4
BioElectroCathode Utilization of CO2 through novel BioElectroCathode systems f... 4
Boron-Basalt fibers Development of boron-infused basalt-fiber reinforced concret... 5
DD-scaff Drug delivering 3D printed scaffold strategy brings human bo... 01/06/2018 30/01/2021 3
DURACER Durable ceramic composites with superhard particles for wear... 01/06/2018 31/05/2021 3
DryProTex Dry Processing of functional materials into semi-finished Te... 11/01/2018 31/08/2021 7
ECOPRINT New Composite Materials for Additive Manufacturing 01/08/2018 31/01/2021 7
ENVALGRA Development of a new generation of environmentally friendly ... 01/04/2018 31/01/2020 4
FMF Flexible magnetics filaments:properties and applications 09/09/2018 09/09/2021 3
ISIBHY Increase of Strength of Interface Between liner and composit... 01/01/2018 01/01/2021 3
MarTEnergy Sustainable and Affordable Half-Heusler based Thermoelectric... 3
MatLaMeD Development of New H-type Tool Steel Materials via Wire- and... 08/01/2018 31/03/2021 5
NADEA Nano-scale duplex high entropy alloys produced by additive m... 01/08/2018 31/07/2021 7
PLACOATAM Functional surfaces on AM objects with a low cost atmospheri... 01/11/2018 01/11/2021 4
Reliable GF-3D Enhancement of reliability of 3d printed fibre reinforced po... 01/08/2018 31/01/2021 6
SYMPA Stereolithography materials, production and plasma-postproce... 01/08/2018 31/07/2021 7
nanoPD Development of a novel organs-on-a-chip platform for nanodru... 7