M-ERA.NET Joint Call 2012

Basic Information

Network M-ERA.NET
Website https://www.m-era.net/de/call2012
Aim of the joint call Materials science has become one of the most dynamic engineering disciplines, impacting modern society with applications ranging from domestic appliances to electronics and energy production. In recent years, significant efforts have been made to ensure industry can meet the challenges it currently faces, in terms of new materials being introduced and the stronger integration of products and processes required. Europa has a wealth of academic and industrial expertise and to ensure it stays at the forefront of developments it is crucial that a strategic programme is established that will help develop projects with impact on a global scale.
Type of joint call Two Stages - Call with pre-proposals and full proposals submissions
Launch date 20/09/2012
Deadline Pre-Proposal 27/11/2012 Submitted proposal: 124
Deadline Full-Proposal 23/04/2013 Submitted proposal: 72
Evaluation End Date 30/06/2013 Successful proposal: 47 Proposals funded: 23
Is call co-funded? No
Call follow up funding
  • There are mechanisms in place to monitor technical progress
Call reasons
  • Achieving critical mass
  • Sharing competences and associated work
  • Addressing global issues
  • Access to expertise from different countries
  • Addressing specific scientific and technological issues
Research fields
  • Energy
  • Industrial production
  • Materials
  • Nanosciences and nanotechnologies
Type of research
  • Basic research
  • Applied Research
Target groups
  • Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
  • Public Research Organisations (PROs)
  • Private and Semi-private Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs)
  • SME (Small and Medium Enterprises)
  • Large Corporations
Participating networks n/a

Organisations Participating

Country Organisation
Austria Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
Belgium Agency for Innovation by Science and Technology (IWT)
Belgium Public Service of Wallonia (SPW)
Belgium Research Foundation Flanders (FWO)
Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation (RPF/IPE)
Estonia Estonian Science Foundation (ETAG)
Finland Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (TEKES)
France National Research Agency (ANR)
Germany German Research Foundation (DFG)
Germany VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH (VDI TZ)
Hungary Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA)
Iceland Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNIS)
Israel MATIMOP Israeli Industry Centre for R&D (OLD) (MATIMOP)
Latvia Latvian National Academy of Sciences (LAS/LZA)
Lithuania Research Council of Lithuania (LSC/LMT/RCL)
Luxembourg National Fund for Research (FNR)
Norway Research Council of Norway (RCN)
Poland National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR)
Portugal Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)
Romania Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI)
Slovakia Slovak Academy of Science (SAS/SAV)
Spain Agency for Innovation and Development of Andalucia (IDEA)
Spain Basque Innovation Agency (Innobasque)
Spain Economic Development Agency of the Principality of Asturias (IDEPA)
Sweden Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA)
Taiwan National Science and Technology Council / Ministry of Science and Technology (NSTC / MoST Taiwan)
United Kingdom The Technology Strategy Board (TSB)

Funded Projects

Acronym Title Start End No. partners
APOSEMA Advanced Nanohybrid Composites and Photonic Materials for Mu... 01/12/2014 30/11/2018 5
BAC-COAT Development of bacteria formulations for seed coating and se... 23/09/2013 30/09/2017 4
BIOTERFACE Design of BIOcompatible and customized inTERs, surFACE and c... 01/01/2014 31/08/2015 4
CAPDESIGN Encapsulation of polymeric healing agents in self-healing co... 01/11/2013 30/04/2017 7
CarLa Ag/Si doped carbon layer for bio-medical application 01/06/2014 31/12/2015 4
EnReCom Encapsulation of Reactive Components in Coatings 01/04/2014 31/12/2016 3
FASS Physically based modelling and simulation of the mechanical ... 01/10/2013 30/09/2017 5
GoIMPLANT Tough, Strong and Resorbable Orthopaedic Implants 3
Hi2CoRe High performance properties, for high frequency applications... 4
HiDEPO High deposition rate laser cladding in hydraulic applications 01/01/2014 31/12/2016 4
LaminaLion Conformal layer-by-layer growth of hybrid polymer/inorganic ... 01/01/2014 31/03/2016 4
MACOSYS Magnetically active anisotropic composite systems 01/09/2013 30/04/2017 4
MAGPHOGLAS New doped boro-phosphate vitreous materials, as nano-powders... 01/01/2014 31/12/2016 3
MATSENS New materials for electrochemical sensors in microfluidic pl... 24/05/2013 20/10/2015 3
MC2 Multiscale Computational-driven design of novel hard nanostr... 01/10/2013 30/09/2017 5
MOC@SUPCAP Design of new metallic oxide-carbon hybrid composites for su... 01/11/2013 30/06/2017 3
NANOCOATIL High performance nanostructured coatings using ionic liquids... 16/12/2013 31/03/2016 3
PCPLASTER Phase Change Material (PCM) enhanced plaster for upgrading t... 18/08/2014 17/11/2016 3
RADESOL RAtional DEsign of blends for bulk heterojunction SOLar cells 01/01/2014 31/08/2017 4
SurfLenses Surface modifications to control drug release from therapeut... 01/01/2014 31/03/2017 7
VOCSENSOR Hybrid Materials for Low Cost Volatile Organic Compound Sens... 01/09/2013 31/08/2016 4
XOPTICS Surface engineering and advanced coatings for the next gener... 4