MarTERA Call 2021

Basic Information

The overall goal of the ERA-NET Cofund MarTERA is to strengthen the European Research Area (ERA) in maritime and marine technologies as well as Blue Growth. The ERA-NET Cofund MarTERA is a network of eighteen (18) ministries, authorities and funding organisations responsible for funding research and innovation projects in the field of maritime and marine technologies from sixteen (16) countries.

Network MarTERA
Aim of the joint call The realisation of a European research and innovation agenda requires a broad and systematic cooperation in all areas of waterborne transport, offshore activity, marine resources, maritime security, biotechnologies, desalination, offshore oil & gas, fisheries, aquaculture etc. for a sustainable development of the maritime and marine sector. Research and innovation activities in these fields cannot be tackled either at national levels alone, or solely by a single sector. Coordinated actions are required for the maritime industry to strengthen Europe’s position in this important and complex economic field in a global market. The focus of development in MarTERA is given to technologies (instead of sectors) due to their potentially large impact to a wide range of application fields.
Type of joint call Two Stages - Call with pre-proposals and full proposals submissions
Launch date 04/01/2021
Deadline Pre-Proposal 26/03/2021 Submitted proposal: 55
Deadline Full-Proposal 10/09/2021 Submitted proposal: 23
Evaluation End Date 02/12/2021 Successful proposal: 17 Proposals funded: 8
Is call co-funded? No
Call follow up funding n/a
Call reasons n/a
Research fields
  • Environment
Type of research n/a
Target groups n/a
Participating networks n/a

Funded Projects

Acronym Title Start End No. partners
ASTRA A tool for strategic risk assessment for the waterways based... 01/07/2022 30/06/2025 4
EROVMUS Enhanced Remote Operated Vehicle interface for munition stud... 01/07/2022 30/06/2025 8
LOCOMOTION Highly durable, low-cost membrane electrode assemblies for m... 01/07/2022 30/06/2025 4
MuWin Multi-use floating offshore topside structure for Wind Energy 01/07/2022 30/06/2025 5
PRONICARE Transnational cooperation for protecting niche areas from ma... 01/07/2022 30/06/2025 6
SMARTPOL Autonomous network system with specialized and integrated mu... 01/07/2022 30/06/2025 6
WeBoat Technology transfer from ballast water to aquaculture water ... 01/07/2022 30/06/2025 7
iPREMAS Intelligent PREdictive Maintenance for Aquaculture Systems 01/07/2022 31/12/2024 3