ERA-NET Materials
Basic Information
The main target of this ERA-NET Materials project is to create a durable cooperation platform for policy makers and managers having strategic activities on materials science and engineering in Europe. This platform aims to help national and regional science and technology authorities to effective diffusion and transfer of knowledge and skills obtained from research academia for the utilisation in business and industrial enterprises. This way the ERA-NET Materials project will intensify the innovation chain activities for the benefits of society and business life in Europe. The project will increase stepwise ambitious programme-type collaboration between European countries and regions in the field of materials science and engineering to deepen the European Research Area. In a long term, it will strengthen new innovative material related expertise and its utilisation in European business life and industry. The project will also help the national and regional decision makers to intensify their policy making operations. As a result of this ERA-NET project joint trans-national activities on material science and engineering will be lauched.
Main research priorities of the network
The objective of MATERA is to strengthen the bases for durable European partnerships in RTD planning and collaboration. Joint transnational activities on materials science and engineering will be launched as a result of this ERA-NET project.
Research fields covered by the network
- Materials
- Nanosciences and nanotechnologies
Target Groups
- Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
- Public Research Organisations (PROs)
- SME (Small and Medium Enterprises)
- Large Corporations
Is connected with
United Kingdom
Joint Calls
Joint Call Title | Type | Launch Date | Deadline Pre-Proposal |
Deadline Full-Proposal |
Evaluation End Date |
5th Joint Call (2011) | one-stage | 01/11/2010 |
Submitted: 8 |
Funded: 4 |
4th Joint Call (2010) | two-stages | 15/02/2010 | 26/04/2010 |
Submitted: 47 |
Funded: 7 |
3rd Joint Call (2008) | two-stages | 01/12/2007 |
Submitted: 50 |
Submitted: 39 |
Successful: 14 Funded: 14 |
2nd Call (2007) | one-stage | 01/01/2007 |
Submitted: 4 |
Funded: 3 |
First Pilot Call | two-stages | 24/02/2006 |
Submitted: 32 |
Submitted: 20 |
Funded: 8 |