Project: Towards improved detection of illegal substances with help o
Acronym | INTOXSIGN (Reference Number: 2007-050-NC) |
Network | MNT-ERA.NET |
Call | MNT-ERA.NET Call 2007 |
Project partner
Number | Name | Role | Country |
1 | VTT Technical Research centre of Finland | Coordinator | Finland |
2 | Biotechnology Laboratory, Oulu university, | Partner | Finland |
3 | Biosensor Applications AB | Partner | Sweden |
4 | Danish Technological Institute | Partner | Denmark |
5 | BioNavis Oy, Finland | Partner | Finland |
6 | KSV Instruments Ltd, Finland | Partner | Finland |
7 | Medifiq Healthcare Cooperation, Finland | Partner | Finland |
8 | FluimediX | Partner | Denmark |
9 | Maria Addiction Centre, Maria Beroendecentrum | Partner | Sweden |
11 | The Swedish Police Service, R&D-unit Stockholm | Partner | Sweden |