Project: Rerouting towards REsilience to JUVENile stress-induced psychopAThologiEs in Adulthood: Spotlight on behavioural profiling and lifestyle interventions

Project Topic Our overarching aim is to elucidate juvenile-stress-induced mechanisms of vulnerability and resilience. We will use our recently developed ‘Behavioral Profiling‘ analysis approach to categorize between resilient and affected individuals for both males and females. Furthermore, we will examine the impact of two lifestyle interventions, Intermittent Fasting and High Fat Diet in both males and females, on juvenile stress-induced effects into adulthood on the resilience or vulnerability to stress. We will use a combination of in vitro, and in vivo behavioral neuroscience approaches such as electrophysiology, chemogenetics, immonohistochemistry to examine key molecular mechanisms in areas such as the hippocampus (including dentate gyrus) and the amygdala involved in stress responses. Our data will uncover how early life stress impacts affective and cognitive functioning and the neurobiological underpinnings of these changes. Therefore, the potential primary outcomes of this project will be identifying sex-dependent neurobiological factors that lead to individual variability in susceptibility/resilience to mental illnesses following childhood (juvenile) adversities. We aim to develop intervention strategies with high translational potential, exploring how dietary changes such as intermittent fasting, may alleviate the negative impact of juvenile stress.
Network NEURON Cofund2
Call Neuron Cofund2 Joint Call 2023

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 Bartin University Coordinator turkey
2 Sorbonne University Partner France
3 University of Haifa Partner Israel
4 University of Oslo Partner Norway
5 Koç University Partner turkey
6 Otto-von-Guericke University Partner Germany