Project: Reward-stress interactions as neurobiological substrate for resilience and vulnerability in mental health and depression: A translational large-scale project

Acronym RESIST-D
Project Topic The main aim of this translational project is to investigate the neurobehavioral responses to rewards and to acute stress as main neurobiological mechanisms underlying individual differences in the risk or development of depressive symptoms at different ages after early life stress experiences (ELS), a well documented environmental risk factor for psychopathology. We hypothesize an (im)balance between striatal sensitivity to reward and amygdala reactivity to stress to predict the development of depressive symptoms. Our multi-modal project combines A) preclinical models of ELS (WP 1), B) fMRI and EEG studies in human participants at risk using existing datasets of individuals exposed to ELS and targeted data collection in young and older adults exposed to ELS (WP2) integrating genetic measures, C) Studies in a clinical sample of currently depressed participants (WP3), D) analysis of functional networks extracted from fMRI and EEG data collected (WP4), E) The creation of a common FAIR database enabling tests of the overarching hypotheses using large-scale analyses (WP5). Our results will be related to specific and well-defined mechanisms of interest and will support identification of biomarkers, which could lead to the development of tailored interventions in individuals at risk or with depressive symptoms. The creation of a FAIR database specific for ELS that can be used in open-access and completed after the end of project is an important deliverable of the project.
Network NEURON Cofund2
Call Neuron Cofund2 Joint Call 2023

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 University Fribourg Coordinator Switzerland
2 Slovak Academy of Sciences Partner Slovakia
3 INSERM Partner France
4 Central Institute of Mental Health Partner Germany
5 University of Galway Partner Ireland
6 Asociatia Transylvanian Institute of Neuroscience Partner Romania