NEURON-2009 New Technologies

Basic Information

Network NEURON
Aim of the joint call The aim of the call is to enable multi-national, collaborative research projects that will address the development and advancement in methods and technologies towards the understanding of the brain and its diseases. The scope of this call is not the funding of pure technology development per se. The focus of this call explicitly does not lie on the funding of infrastructure. Research projects have to be hypothesis-driven, combine cutting-edge technological developments with a clear, substantial research question. There is no sharp restriction concerning the specific technologies or methodologies used in the applications. These may include (without excluding others): Imaging techniques (including optical, MR and PET techniques), molecular and genetic approaches, stem cells and neural differentiation in relation with cell therapy, gene targeting in the brain, electrical and magnetic brain stimulation, and molecular modelling techniques.
Type of joint call Two Stages - Call with pre-proposals and full proposals submissions
Launch date 19/01/2009
Deadline Pre-Proposal 09/03/2009 Submitted proposal: 81
Deadline Full-Proposal 04/05/2009 Submitted proposal: 29
Evaluation End Date 13/10/2009 Successful proposal: 10 Proposals funded: 10
Is call co-funded? No
Call follow up funding
  • There are mechanisms in place to monitor
  • There are mechanisms in place to monitor technical progress
Call reasons
  • Addressing global issues
  • Access to expertise from different countries
  • Addressing specific scientific and technological issues
Research fields
  • Health
Type of research
  • Basic research
  • Applied Research
Target groups
  • Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
  • Public Research Organisations (PROs)
  • Private and Semi-private Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs)
  • SME (Small and Medium Enterprises)
Participating networks n/a

Funded Projects

Acronym Title Start End No. partners
2p-Imaging High-speed two-photon imaging for in vivo analysis of brain ... 01/02/2010 31/01/2013 4
BEYONDVIS When attention meets perception: Non invasive neurostimulati... 01/06/2010 31/05/2013 4
DISCover Multidisciplinary project investigating the neurobiology of ... 01/06/2010 31/05/2013 5
EpiNet Understanding and manipulating epileptic networks with optic... 01/05/2010 30/04/2013 5
ImageNinND Imaging Neurogenesis in Neurodegenerative Disease: In vivo i... 01/04/2010 31/03/2013 4
MODDIFSYN Development of new chemical and optical tools to study and m... 01/06/2010 31/05/2013 5
NANOSYN Manipulation of synapses with nanotechnologies to study mole... 01/03/2010 28/02/2013 3
NanoBrain Alzheimer drugs incorporated in nanoparticles for specific t... 01/08/2010 01/07/2013 5
PANS Probing the Auditory Novelty System 01/01/2010 31/12/2013 4
REPark Modeling Parkinson’s disease by iPS technology: generation o... 01/04/2010 31/03/2013 4