New and Emerging Risks in Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) - Anticipating and Dealing With Change in the Workplace through Coordination of OSH Risk Research

Basic Information


Excellent work environments are required for health of European workforce and the competitiveness of EU. To this end, cohesion, resources, and focus of national research programmes in EU on occupational safety and health (OSH) need to be improved. NEW OSH ERA will bring dynamism to OSH research in Europe by fostering collaboration in OSH research programmes to allow lateral thinking and promote innovations. The Consortium includes 12 leading public agencies, ministries and research organisations funding or managing OSH research in close collaboration with stakeholders from science, economy, and the society. The strategic objective of the NEW OSH ERA is to create a research and innovation market by systematic exchange of information and stepwise integration of research programmes in EU through several instruments improving collaboration between programmes and utilizing electronic databases by evaluation and benchmarking. The goal is to promote cooperation in joint research activities in OSH research. The focus of these programme activities is on: 1) Complex interactions between work environments, work organizations of work and stress factors; 2) New and emerging risks in different industry sectors; 3) Incorporation of innovative approaches in research programme; 4) Developing of broad coalitions to promote sustainable research collaboration.

Research fields covered by the network

  • Socio-economics sciences and humanities

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Joint Calls

Joint Call Title Type Launch Date Deadline
End Date
First Call 2009 two-stages 18/05/2009 30/06/2009

Submitted: 15


Submitted: 8


Funded: 3