Section 1 Call 2019 - Nexus 2019 (Research and Innovation)

Basic Information

Integrated management of resources through the Nexus approach can be a sustainable solution to the dichotomy between the increasing demand for food and water and the diminishing availability of supplies. The southern Mediterranean countries, in particular, face this challenge, which is worsened by the effects of climate change. The Nexus approach advocates the efficient, integrated use and management of land, water and other vital resources, as a way to minimise trade-offs and maximise synergies across sectors and generate shared economic, environmental and societal benefits. It is therefore equally important to identify already existing Nexus approaches and tools, as well as their proven benefits, and to develop novel ones, while codifying and upscaling knowledge in the Nexus field.

Network PRIMA
Aim of the joint call In response to this call, relevant stakeholders from the Mediterranean region should conceive a demonstration project to assess existing Nexus tools and approaches and develop novel ones, for reaching social, environmental and economic benefits through integrated governance of the different water-using sectors, i.e. agriculture, food production and maintenance of ecosystem services. Objectives of the call will be to create knowledge or fill knowledge gaps, collect and make available data to allow for the scaling-up of Nexus-related good practices. This knowledge should be codified and disseminated widely. Proposals should identify the obstacles to the creation of an enabling environment for new policies as well as governance, organisational and business models, which can enhance the Nexus approach and the scaling-up of good practices.
Type of joint call Two Stages - Call with pre-proposals and full proposals submissions
Launch date 17/12/2018
Deadline Pre-Proposal 28/02/2019 Submitted proposal: n/a
Deadline Full-Proposal 16/07/2019 Submitted proposal: n/a
Evaluation End Date n/a Successful proposal: n/a Proposals funded: n/a
Is call co-funded? No
Call follow up funding n/a
Call reasons n/a
Research fields
  • Environment
  • Food, agriculture and fisheries
Type of research n/a
Target groups n/a
Participating networks n/a

Funded Projects

Acronym Title Start End No. partners
AWESOME AWESOME - mAnaging Water, Ecosystems and food across sectors... 7
SIGMA-NEXUS Sustainable Innovation and Governance in the Mediterranean A... 4