Project: Promoting WEFE Nexus-based adaptation and mitigation solutions and landscape resilience to climate change in the Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves

Acronym RES-MAB
Duration 01/04/2024 - 01/04/2027
Project Topic In a scenario of climate change-associated extreme events, temperature rising, changes in rainfall patterns, and an increasing demand for water, food and energy, Mediterranean countries face various common challenges. These challenges could affect food security, nutrition and livelihoods, triggering migration and increasing risks and vulnerability in a region with limited adaptive capacity. The Mediterranean region, one of the most responsive regions to climate change, hosts exceptional ecological diversity and socio-cultural richness originating from three continents. The multiple interacting climate hazards and anthropogenic drivers of change in such a vulnerable hotspot require specific adaptation and mitigation measures that support populations at higher risk of exposure. Moreover, adaptation and mitigation plans need to tackle the trade-offs and synergies among the management programs of the different Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) sectors to promote multifunctional and resilient landscapes on the path to a Green Economy and Sustainable Development. In this sense, there is a need for cooperating and establishing cross-sectoral management plans and policies to address climate challenges across Mediterranean countries, since all face significant risks due to climate change. In this context, the WEFE-Nexus Socioecological Modelling Tool (WEFE-SEM Tool) proposed by the RES-MAB project aims to simultaneously address current global challenges bringing together different actors within the WEFE Nexus – policymakers, public authorities, private sector, farmers, local communities and other end-users – to negotiate conservation and development trade-offs, and promote circularity in the management, use, and development of resources. The WEFE-SEM Tool will provide a framework for addressing the increasingly complex and widespread social, environmental and political drivers of change that typically transcend traditional management boundaries. Following this multisectoral landscape approach, the RES-MAB project will co-deploy WEFE Nexus-based adaptation and mitigation solutions (WEFE Nexus solutions) in seven Biosphere Reserves (BR) that act as large demonstration sites (in Spain, France, Lebanon, Morocco, Jordan, Italy, and Slovenia) belonging to the Mediterranean Thematic Network of Biosphere Reserves (MedMaB). The MedMaB Network includes 74 sites of excellence, which foster the harmonious integration of people and nature for sustainable development through participatory dialogue; knowledge sharing; poverty reduction and human well-being; and respect for cultural values and societal resilience. Thus, it contributes to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). This framework will facilitate the implementation of interdisciplinary approaches to manage interactions and transformations between environmental and socio-economic systems. Although the natural, cultural, political and socio-economical specifics may vary among the BR, they all face similar challenges that can be addressed by an integrative landscape management system and the transformative approach of the WEFE Nexus. This process will enable the development of sustainable market solutions and innovative business models targeting WEFE Nexus solutions and facilitate their deployment in other MedMAB BR in the future. In line with the Nexus-theme call, the RES-MAB general objective is to promote an integrated and effective WEFE Nexus-based management approach contributing to accelerate landscape adaptation and mitigation to climate change in Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves. The project will examine the benefits of cross-sectoral approaches through collaboration between countries and multi-actor participatory processes to jointly implement WEFE Nexus solutions and innovative business models, while working on cross-sectoral policy integration, sustainable and inclusive economic development, job creation and the resilience of disadvantaged groups.
Network PRIMA
Call Section 1 – Nexus theme 2023

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
101 Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia Coordinator Spain
102 Fundación Reserva Biosfera Alto Bernesga Partner Spain
103 Ken Reyna Partner France
104 Organisme de Défense et de Gestion de l’AOC Ventoux Partner France
105 Ente Parco Naturale Regionale Veneto del Delta del Po Partner Italy
106 Istituto Oikos E.T.S. Partner Italy
107 The Royal Society for Conservation and Nature Partner Jordan
108 Association for the Protection of Jabal Moussa Partner Lebanon
109 Agence de Développement des Zones Oasienne et de l’Arganier Partner Morocco
110 Javni zavod park Škocjanske jame Partner Slovenia