Project: Des bioplastiques antimicrobiennes innovantes et sûres pour la conservation des aliments en méditerranée

Duration 01/07/2024 - 01/07/2027
Project Topic SAFOOD4MED is not just another research initiative; it's a groundbreaking mission poised to revolutionize the way we view food waste and packaging in the Mediterranean region. Our aim is clear: to create an affordable, ingenious biorefinery system that empowers smallholders through small-scale food waste transformation into biodegradable bioplastics. But we're not stopping there; we're going the extra mile. Imagine a digital ecosystem where food waste is no longer just discarded but becomes a valuable asset. We're aiming to craft a cutting-edge agri-food waste value-chain and supply chain, maximizing the potential of major food-waste components to create novel, high-value products for food packaging. The proposed bioplastics aren't ordinary plastics; they will be designed to be armed with remarkable antimicrobial properties, providing innovative solutions for food preservation. We're fully committed to the concept of the circularity within the food system, leveraging digital technologies to recover and add value to food losses and waste. In SAFOOD4MED the bioplastics will be reintegrated into the food production chain, benefiting specifically goat or ship fresh cheese and fresh tomatoes, but the approach can be extended to benefit a wide range of other Mediterranean foods, creating a ripple effect of sustainability and innovation across the region. SAFOOD4MED will set up simple, eco-efficient, safe and automated technologies enabling the development of innovative food packaging formulations fulfilling the requirements of extended shelf-life of food while keeping it safe. The performance of the developed materials will be compared with those of reference traditional solutions, to ensure their superior competitiveness. This will be pursued by a holistic approach, going from fractionation of food waste residue in high purity grade lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose fractions to: automated procedures with low environmental impact; conversion of the fractions into food-grade bio-based polymers; bioplastics formulation/processing and digitally assisted monitoring of the quality of the antimicrobial packaging films. To optimize the use of the feedstock, unconverted fractions will be recovered and reused to co-produce biogas, thereby setting the basis for a decentralized biorefinery model. The evaluation of whole value chain in terms of environmental sustainability and economic viability will be evaluated through robust life cycle assessment (LCA), social life cycle assessment, and techno-economic modeling tools. SAFOOD4MED is in line with the call since it is dedicated to the development of the adoption of innovative biodegradable materials tailored to Mediterranean food systems, to prevent food spoilage with safer, more environmentally friendly alternatives to plastic packaging. This exploration is driven by our commitment to environmental responsibility, reducing food waste, ensuring consumer safety, and maintaining cost competitiveness. By addressing these critical aspects, we aim to contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly future for the Mediterranean food industry. Therefore, SAFOOD4MED fits within the frame of the EU Plastics Strategy, the Waste Framework Directive and the Circular Economy Action Plan.
Network PRIMA
Call Section 2 – Multi-topic 2023

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
310 University of Perugia Coordinator Italy
311 Universitas Mercatorum Partner Italy
312 University of Rome Sapienza Partner Italy
313 University of Biskra Partner Algeria
314 WAZIUP e.V. Partner Germany
315 Agricultural Research Centre Partner Egypt
316 Al Balqa Applied University Partner Jordan
317 University of Ibn Tofail Partner Morocco
318 Technical Center of Plastics and Rubber Partner Morocco