Project: Ressources électroniques quantiques

Acronym ElQuRes
Duration 01/05/2024 - 30/04/2027
Project Topic The ambition of ELQURES is to contribute to the second quantum revolution in electronics by using coherent ballistic electrons and quantum states of electromagnetic resonators as resources for quantum-limited measurements and information processing. Established quantum technology platforms exploit the ability to generate, control and measure individual quantum excitations in a particular physical substrate which can vary from electromagnetic modes to atomic levels to spins of confined electrons. ELQURES brings the spotlight to a novel type of quantum resource and explores coherent propagating electrons as a source for non-classical states that can be efficiently manipulated electrically and integrated with other on-chip platforms. The scientific objectives of ELQURES are: (i) develop a unified framework for quantum tomography of electrical currents integrating different energy regimes and measurement principles; (ii) establish foundations for the control of coherent light-matter coupling between single to few electrons and electromagnetic  fields with the aim of generating non-classical states of those field; (iii) demonstrate sources of coherent picosecond-scale wave-packets that enable all-electrical metrology of electrical signals with quantum resolution. The project brings together pioneers of solid-state electron quantum optics (ENS Paris and ENS Lyon) and leaders of single-electron technologies for fundamental electrical metrology (PTB, University of Latvia) that are uniquely positioned to unlock the potential of electronic coherence in the non-linear and the hot-electron regimes. The broader goal of ElQuRes is to advance the science of electron quantum optics to novel regimes and catalyze the emergence of single-electron quantum technologies with Europe in the leading role.
Network QuantERA II
Call QuantERA II Call 2023

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 University of Latvia Coordinator Latvia
2 Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Partner Germany
4 Laboratoire de physique de l'ENS Partner France