Project: Rural development through governance of multifunctional agricultural land-use

Ecosystem services are often generated at spatial and temporal scales beyond individual farms and generations, and thus affected by ”the tragedy of ecosystem services”. Promoting ecosystem services thus requires coordinated actions by farmers to manage whole landscapes. European agricultural policies need to develop beyond current crosscompliance and agri-environmental schemes, taking into account both the landscape perspective and regional variation in farming conditions. MULTAGRI uses a strong interdisciplinary approach combining empirical field work, synthesis studies, and ecological-economic modelling and governance analysis at the regional level. Involved scientists come from a variety of fields including ecology, economics, agronomy and social sciences. To ensure relevance of research questions and efficient dissemination, key stakeholders will be closely involved throughout the project. This way, MULTAGRI will contribute to the development of European policies to promote multifunctional agricultural landscapes and rural development.

Website visit project website
Call 1st RURAGRI Call on agricultural, rural and sustainable development aspects.

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
French National Institute for Agricultural Research - Bordeaux France
French National Institute for Agricultural Research - Rennes France
Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences Switzerland
Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe Germany
Leuphana University of Lüneburg Germany
Lund University Coordinator Sweden
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Sweden
Wageningen University & Research - Animal Ecology Netherlands