Project: Towards A Smart Rural Europe

• To produce new policy-relevant knowledge on conditions for and factors behind rural development, which can be used for upgrading rural development policy at local/regional, national and European levels • To shed light on the possible role played by rural areas in the regional dynamics of Europe, with regards to the orientations assigned by the Horizon 2020 strategy and the smart development policies.

Acronym TASTE
Duration 01/09/2013
Website visit project website
Call 1st RURAGRI Call on agricultural, rural and sustainable development aspects.

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
French National Institute for Agricultural Research - Bordeaux Sciences Agro, USC Gaïa France
French National Institute for Agricultural Research - Observatoire du Développement Rural France
French National Institute for Agricultural Research - UMR AGIR France
French National Institute for Agricultural Research - UMR Innovation France
French National Institute for Agricultural Research - UMR Metafort France
Jönköping International Business School Sweden
Paris Institute of Technology for Life, Food and Environmental Sciences Coordinator France
University of Graz Austria
University of Milan Italy