European Joint Programme on Rare Disease

Basic Information


The European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases brings over 130 institutions from 35 countries to create a comprehensive, sustainable ecosystem allowing a virtuous circle between research, care and medical innovation.
In the specific context of the massive generation, need for reuse and efficient interpretation of data, introduction of omics into care practice and the structuration of RD care centers in European Reference Networks, it appears crucial and timely to maximize the potential of already funded tools and programmes by supporting them further, scaling up, linking, and most importantly, adapting them to the needs of end-users through implementation tests in real settings. To achieve this goal, the European Joint Programme on RD (EJP RD) has two major objectives:

(i) To improve the integration, the efficacy, the production and the social impact of research on RD through the development, demonstration and promotion of Europe/world-wide sharing of research and clinical data, materials, processes, knowledge and know-how;

(ii) To implement and further develop an efficient model of financial support for all types of research on RD (fundamental, clinical, epidemiological, social, economic, health service) coupled with accelerated exploitation of research results for benefit of patients.

H2020 Societal Challenges

H2020-SC1 (Health, demographic change and wellbeing)

Research fields covered by the network

  • Health

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Joint Calls

Joint Call Title Type Launch Date Deadline
End Date
4th EJP RD Joint Transnational Call for Rare Diseases Research Project (JTC 2023) two-stages 12/12/2022 15/02/2023 14/06/2023 01/12/2023
3rd EJP RD Joint Transnational Call for Rare Diseases Research Project (JTC 2021) two-stages 16/12/2020 16/02/2021

Submitted: 38


Submitted: 22


Successful: 13

Funded: 12

2nd EJP RD Joint Transnational Call for Rare Diseases Research Project (JTC 2020) two-stages 18/12/2019 18/02/2020

Submitted: 173


Submitted: 30


Successful: 18

Funded: 18

1st EJP RD Joint Transnational Call for Rare Diseases Research Project (JTC 2019) two-stages 17/12/2018 15/02/2019

Submitted: 217


Submitted: 52


Successful: 29

Funded: 22