Project: Marine environmental targets linked to regional management schemes based on indicators developed for the Mediterranean

MERMAID is a SEAS-ERA (EU FP7 ERA-NET) project with the aim to provide additional scientific understanding for assessing Good Environmental Status (GES) in a coherent and holistic manner by a state of the art methodology that will be developed for five descriptors and applied in three study areas of the Mediterranean Sea, and proceed with linking the management measures designed for these areas to the targets set up for the achievement of GES. Scientific Objectives • To contribute to a more thorough assessment of the environmental quality of Mediterranean areas • To elaborate on established knowledge and data gaps and propose appropriate monitoring and methodological approaches • To set SMART environmental objectives that will contribute further to define GES, adapting the targets towards its achievement • To identify the links between established targets and management measures

Duration 01/02/2013 - 30/09/2015
Website visit project website
Network SEAS ERA
Call SEAS-ERA Joint Call in the Atlantic and Mediterranean regions – 2012

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea France
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research Coordinator Greece
Middle East Technical University Türkiye
University of the Aegean Greece