South East European ERA-NET Plus; joint call for European Research projects in September 2009 in order to enhance the integration of the Western Balkan Countries into the European Research Area
Basic Information
"In essence, SEE-ERA.NET PLUS is the next step in further integrating the Western Balkan countries (WBC) and selected key research communities into the European Research Area. It will further enhance the coordination of bilateral R&D cooperation with WBC. By joining forces and by pooling financial resources, the SEE-ERA.NET PLUS consortium will bring critical mass to bear. The main objective of SEE-ERA.NET PLUS is to launch and implement one joint call for trans-national research proposals (JERPs). With a call budget of EURO 3.5 Mio, it is planned to fund approximatly 23 trans-national research projects in the SEE-region. Specific scientific priorities will be chosen for the scope of the call, based on the regional collaboration needs of the participating countries and considering the priorities of the 7th EU Framework Programme on Research and Technological Development and Demonstration (FP7). The JERPs are selected through an independently peer review process. A final comprehensive review will assess the impact of the call and the results at European level. Three reports on the impact of the call, on policy recommendations for future cooperation and on the institutional sustainability of the SEE-ERA.NET PLUS consortium will be prepared and widely disseminated."
Main research priorities of the network
The following themes/thematic areas are supported through the single call: ICT: Software systems for learning process management and support ICT for energy efficiency AgroFood Preservation of indigenous species and traditional food products (in SEE/WBC) Interdisciplinary field: Land use impact in agriculture on biodiversity
Research fields covered by the network
- Food, agriculture and fisheries
- Information and communication technologies
Target Groups
- Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
- Public Research Organisations (PROs)
- Private and Semi-private Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs)
- SME (Small and Medium Enterprises)
Bosnia and Herzegovina
North Macedonia
Joint Calls
Joint Call Title | Type | Launch Date | Deadline Pre-Proposal |
Deadline Full-Proposal |
Evaluation End Date |
SEE-ERA.NET PLUS Joint Call for European Research Projects | two-stages | 01/09/2009 |
Submitted: 163 |
Submitted: 70 |
Successful: 62 Funded: 23 |