Acronym PlaceCity (Reference Number: 17251385)
Duration 01/02/2019 - 31/07/2021
Project Topic 'Co-creating the city' is a practitioner-led consortium which has as its overarching goal the establishment of a multidisciplinary and trans-sectorial European Placemaking Network as an entity with the capacity to offer support and resources to local and national placemaking initiatives across Europe. The consortium aims to advance placemaking as a new approach to creating better cities together. The consortium aims to gather placemaking tools and implement those tools in the partners cities. The aim of implementation is not merely to test the tools but also to establish sustainable business cases for placemaking in local contexts. To achieve this we work together with a combination of local partners (cities, communities, businesses) as well as partners at a higher level (knowledge partners, governments etc).Thus, the consortium will develop itself as a knowledge platform that with a direct connection to the implementation of that knowledge.
Network JPI Urban Europe
Call Making Cities Work

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
1 Eutropian GmbH Coordinator Austria
2 superwien urbanism ZT OG Partner Austria
3 Magistratsabteilung 18 Stadtentwicklung und Stadtplanung Partner Austria
4 Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien - Social Design / Kunst und Gesellschaft Partner Austria
5 Gallis Miljø og Kommunikasjon - Nabolagshager Partner Norway
6 Agency of Urban Enviroment Partner Norway
7 STIPO Partner Netherlands